Sick Leave (Husband Levi x Sick/Wife Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Sorry I'm posting later than normal today. I wasn't feeling great about any of my works in progress – probably due to a mix of my crippling perfectionism and my intense burnout that seems to affect every area of my life at the moment. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one!

You thought you heard the faint click of the front door opening and closing, but with the haze addling your brain, you couldn't be sure. You also couldn't get out of bed to check, since every attempt at standing thus far had ended with you on the ground, not even remembering the act of falling. However, there was only one other person who had a key to your home, and that was...

"Levi?" you called, though your husband's name came out as nothing more than a choked whisper, worsening the burn in your throat as it scratched its way to your lips.

You heard footsteps climbing the stairs. A second later, your husband appeared in the doorway of your bedroom, dressed in his military uniform. His eyes found you immediately, and although no one else would've noticed the cracks that appeared in his stoic mask, you recognized them even in your current state. He was worried – maybe even afraid.

"What're you...doing here?" you asked, confused by his unannounced arrival. As a captain in the Scout Regiment, your husband had to stay at the military base most of the time. He only got a few days of leave here and there – after an expedition, or over the holidays – and you were fairly certain neither of those applied in this instance. Then again, with the fever addling your brain, what did you know?

"Tch," he muttered, clicking his tongue as he quickly moved to your bedside. "I'm here to take care of you, of course." He pressed his hand gently to your forehead, then to your cheek. "You're burning up, and you look like shit. How long have you been like this?"

"Just what every woman wants to hear," you slurred, unable to properly form the words, though Levi seemed to understand, nonetheless.

"Oi, I'm serious," he stated, his silver eyes locked on your own, which you could barely keep open. "How long?"

"Mmm...since last night," you informed him blearily, no longer able to resist closing your eyes. "...Wasn't feeling well, so I –" You choked on the words before you could finish, your sore throat having finally caught up with you.

"Okay, okay, don't try to talk anymore," your husband commanded softly, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "I'm going to get you some water. Stay right here."

Your response came out as nothing more than a low hum.

Levi's calloused hand left your cheek, and you heard his quiet footsteps exiting the room. A minute later, he was back, propping you up with a mountain of pillows. Then you felt a gentle dip in the mattress as he sat down, and you forced your eyes to open.

"Here," he murmured, holding a cup of water to your mouth. "Take small sips."

You did as he ordered, each swallow feeling as if your throat were being raked with claws. However, you knew the water would help in the end, so you didn't stop until the glass was empty. When Levi pulled it away, you took a deep breath, already feeling a little better.

You dragged your eyes to meet his, gazing at him gratefully. "Thank you," you croaked.

Levi nodded. "I put some tea on, too. With special herbs. It'll help your throat."

" thoughtful," you hummed. "How'd you know I was sick, anyway?"

"Tch. The old bat next door sent me a message. Said you weren't feeling well yesterday, and you hadn't gone to work this morning," he explained. "Guess that nosy woman is good for something, after all."

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now