From Breaking to Fixing (Chiropractor Levi x Reader Modern AU)

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Author's Note: Happy Easter, lovelies! Here's a bit of a long one for you. :)

"Welcome. Please sign in here."

You nodded at the receptionist and wrote your name below about a dozen others on a clipboard, then took a seat along the wall. Your foot tapped somewhat nervously on the floor as you glanced around the waiting room, taking it all in. The chiropractor's office reminded you of a spa, with its dim lighting, various plants, wall fountain, and quiet background music. It was meant to be soothing, you supposed, but you weren't quite ready to give up your apprehension just yet.

You'd never been to a chiropractor before, and really, you were only here now because your friends had pressured you into it. On one hand, you could see their point, since you were always having to crack your neck and back. You also thought your shoulders might've felt a little off, and there was a definite asymmetry to your hips when you looked in the mirror. So really, your body was a tightly wound litany of issues that needed adjustment – likely caused by your mundane office job, which required you to sit at a desk all day.

But still...the thought of someone popping and cracking your body like that...

You winced.

Just then, the receptionist called your name in a soft tone. "We're ready for you now," she stated. "Please, follow me."

You took a deep breath, then rose from your seat and shuffled along behind the receptionist. She led you to a small room with what looked like a massage table in the middle. A desk was tucked against one wall, a computer sitting atop it and a swivel chair in front.

"Please, take a seat," the receptionist encouraged with a smile, gesturing to the massage table. "The doctor will be with you shortly."

You did as she asked, once again tapping your foot on the floor and twiddling your thumbs. Trying to calm your nerves, you reminded yourself that this doctor came very highly recommended. Surely, he knew what he was doing.

But...what if something went wrong? What if he made a mistake, and your body was permanently messed up? Maybe it would be better not to take the risk. After all, you'd been living with your body's issues for a while now, and although they caused you some discomfort, you were getting along okay. As they say, the devil you know...

"(F/n) (l/n)?"

You nearly jumped, yanked out of your anxious spiral when a cold, deep voice muttered your name. Your eyes shot toward the sound, only to lock on the short, expressionless man standing in the doorway. And...oh.

Oh no.

He was hot.

Even from a few feet away, you could tell his black undercut was agonizingly soft and silky. His pale skin appeared almost too perfect to be real, and you noticed many scars flecked across it – thin lines on his hands as they grasped a clipboard, several more crisscrossing up his forearms, a jagged one peeking above his collar. While his frame was petite and even delicate in places, his chiseled muscles left no doubt as to how much strength he held inside his body. And his narrowed, grey eyes were utterly gorgeous, seeming as if they could see straight through to your soul while he looked at you with an impatient expression...

"Oi," he snapped. "That is you, right?"

"Oh! Um, yes..." you sputtered hastily, averting your gaze as your cheeks heated with embarrassment.

The urge to run out the door had now grown exponentially stronger. This was the guy who'd be putting his hands all over your body? There was no way – no way – you'd be able to endure it without combusting. Yet, you found that your legs were unable to move, every muscle in them having turned to jelly.

Levi x Reader Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now