Eye of the Storm (Injured Levi x Injured Reader)

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"Okay. We'll set up here for the night."

You breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing Levi utter those words – a sigh that was echoed by several of the cadets around you. You'd been on pins and needles while you'd searched the warehouse for any sign of enemies. And before that, while you'd snuck across the city to get here, pulling your hood low over your face, praying no one recognized you. And before that, while you'd been shot at by humans with ODM gear modified to kill people. And before that, when you'd seen your friends...

You shoved the thought away. A second later, you realized your hands were shaking, and you clasped them tightly together, willing them to stop. You couldn't grieve for your fallen squadmates yet – not when the mission was still ongoing, not when you could be attacked at any moment. You had to focus on the present, so you could protect the comrades that were still alive.

"Mikasa, you're on guard duty. Take the rifle," Levi instructed. "Everyone else, rest up."

The cadets' answering "Sir!" was little more than a tired mumble. After what had happened today, they were completely drained – physically and emotionally. For most of them, this had been their first time fighting in a life-or-death battle against other people.

Yours too.

While the others dispersed to get some rest, you stepped up to face Levi. "Captain," you murmured quietly.

His gaze flicked to you. Although he did a good job of hiding it from the others, you could see the exhaustion in his eyes, the apprehension, the conflict. Today had been hard for him too.

You regarded him for a moment, then glanced meaningfully at shoulder, then back again – absently running your fingers over the first aid kit you held in your hand. "I'll stitch that up for you."

Levi gave a noncommittal grunt, his gaze falling on your own wound. "You first."

By now, you knew better than to argue. Instead, you gave him a short nod, understanding that the sooner you let him tend to your injuries, the sooner he'd let you tend to his. "Lead the way."

You followed Levi to a secluded alcove, close enough that you could've still heard the others if they called, but far enough to give you two privacy. There, you placed the first aid kit on a box and sat down next to it, starting to remove your gear. However, you didn't get very far before white-hot pain shot through your muscles, and you winced, clenching your teeth as you hissed under your breath.

"Let me," Levi murmured, already reaching out to help you. Yet, he waited until you nodded your consent before undoing your harness, then grasping the hem of your shirt and pulling it up.

He was careful, but even so, you felt another stab of pain as he eased your left arm from its sleeve. "So, this is what it feels like to get shot," you grumbled while he lifted your shirt over your head and laid it aside. "Could've done without the experience, I think."

Levi said nothing. He simply untied your makeshift bandage, opened up the kit, and began cleaning the raw flesh where a bullet had grazed you, right between your neck and your shoulder. Thankfully, the wound hadn't bled much, but it did burn like hell. You flinched and hissed as the alcohol touched your skin, worsening the pain even though you knew it would help in the end.

Despite your current discomfort, you were well aware of how lucky you were. A few centimeters lower, and the bullet would've shattered your collarbone. A little lower than that, and you would've had a hole in your chest. Or, if the bullet had gone a few centimeters to the side, you would've had a hole in your throat. Either way, you would've been dead. Dead, just like Abel, and Keiji, and Nifa...

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