Witchcraft (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Happy Halloween! In order to celebrate the best day of the year, I'm treating you with this little scene! Please be advised, it contains spoilers for the end of the manga.

You wheeled Levi inside and locked the door before turning on the electric lamp, bathing your living room in its dim, cozy glow. The two of you had just returned from Onyankopon's house, where you'd happily enjoyed a Halloween party with all of your friends. Actually, it had been your first Halloween party ever, since you hadn't even known about the holiday until after the war ended, and you moved to this charming, far-away town with your surviving comrades.

After learning about Halloween, you'd been so excited that you couldn't wait to start making outfits for the party. Levi – who was much less thrilled by festivities in general – had drawn the line at couple's costumes, but he had at least allowed the two of you to match. You agreed to the compromise, confident you could wear him down enough for couple's costumes next year. Thus, you'd dressed as a witch, while Levi had been a vampire – in coordinated red and black colors.

"Well, that was fun," you chimed, feeling more than a little sleepy as you took off your witch hat and hung it on the wall. You would pack it away with all the other Halloween things tomorrow, but right now, you were ready for bed.

"Tch," Levi uttered. "I suppose it wasn't terrible."

You grinned as you hung your cloak next to your hat, amused at his attempt to downplay it, knowing he'd enjoyed the party just as much as you had. While he often appeared annoyed and disinterested, Levi was actually glad to have a steady group of friends after so many years of death and loss. Just as he was glad to have you as his wife, though he was a bit more expressive about that part – when you two were alone, at least.

You were about to comment on Armin and Annie's rather telling behavior when heard the click of the record player. Perplexed, you turned toward the machine, only to find Levi standing next to it, having removed his hat and cloak. And he was holding out a hand to you.

His face was completely stoic, betraying nothing. Yet, his actions told you all you needed to know. Your expression softened – not just because Levi was standing, which he was only able to do for a few minutes at a time due to his leg injury – but because he was standing for you. Because he wanted to dance with you.

A sense of pleasant surprise bloomed in your chest. Then the song began, and you recognized the opening notes after having played this record over and over throughout the season. Aware of what was coming, you got into character and gave Levi a sly smirk, along with your most bewitching stare, before stepping toward him and slipping your hand into his.

You let him pull you close, arms going around each other. Gently, the two of you leaned together, connecting as much as you could, wanting to simply feel your lover's presence without demanding anything more. You would never get enough of this – tucking him up against you, and being held by him in return. It felt as if both your body and soul were breathing a sigh of relief, because you were exactly where you were meant to be.

The two of you began to move – not so much dancing as swaying, calmly and quietly, cheek to cheek. With the gentle security of Levi's embrace, and the dim glow of the lamplight, and the fact that you and your husband were alone in your quiet home, the atmosphere felt rather romantic. His skin was cold yet soft as it pressed against yours, and you could feel the scars there – scars that, despite their origins, were precious to you, just as every part of him was precious.

"Those fingers in my hair," he sang softly, intimately, into your ear. "That sly, come-hither stare..."

Your heart warmed. You closed your eyes, content to be lulled by the sound of his voice, by the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. You didn't need to think about anything, or do anything. It was enough to simply exist with him in this moment.

Meanwhile, nothing was more important to Levi than cherishing you, soft and warm in his arms. He wasn't normally one for romantic gestures like this, but with you, he'd found that he wanted to. And by this point in your relationship, such things didn't embarrass him anymore. He knew you liked it, so he did it to make you happy.

"It's such an ancient pitch,

But one I wouldn't switch,

'Cause there's no nicer witch than you."

You giggled softly, hearing the slight smirk in his voice as he pointedly referenced your costume, feeling his lips brush your ear. It was a recent development – Levi being relaxed enough to behave slyly, almost playfully, with you. You loved seeing him like this, loved being able to have fun with him. He deserved it.

You leaned into him a bit more, careful not to give him too much of your weight. With the injury to his leg, he couldn't support you effortlessly anymore. Yet, you still craved that extra smidge of closeness with him, and you knew he craved it too. Feeling the softness of your lover's hair, the warmth of their body, the safe and familiar cocoon of their arms – all these things helped you internalize the fact that they were here with you.

"It's such an ancient pitch,

But one I wouldn't switch,

'Cause there's no nicer witch than you."

You and Levi continued swaying until the song was done. It was such a simple act – unremarkable in the grand scheme of things. Yet, it meant the world to both of you, because you knew how truly lucky you were to be alive and together.

And now, your lives could be full of warm, peaceful moments like this one. 

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