Almost Eaten Alive (Injured Levi x Reader)

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Levi hated the little ankle-biters the most.

At least with the larger titans, it was over in one bite. But the smaller ones' mouths couldn't fit enough of a human inside, so they often resorted to gnawing off bits and pieces of their prey – creating several minutes of torture before the victim finally lost a sufficient amount of blood and died. Levi had seen it enough times to know that definitely was not how he wanted to go out.

So of course, it was a damn three-meter titan that gripped him now, nearly crushing his body between its hands. Its mouth looked wide enough to fit his head inside, but too narrow for his shoulders. Maybe he'd get lucky, he thought, and it would bite clean through his neck first. Then he wouldn't have to feel the rest.

Instead, the titan put his head halfway into its mouth, closing its apple-sized teeth around his skull. It's wet, sinuous tongue pressed against his temple, coating his skin and hair in a slimy layer of saliva that slowly dripped down his face. Levi fixated on that sensation, on the filth, imagining he'd have to take at least five showers in order to feel clean again.

It was a silly thing to think about, really, when death was so close. The only shower he'd get would be the rain that would pour down upon whatever was left of his body after the titan was through. He was already soaked to the bone with it, and he would've been shivering if the titan hadn't been gripping him so hard, preventing even the tiniest movement.

At least he'd been able to save a few of his comrades, enabling their escape before his gear had failed – and this titan had been right there, waiting. Others were closing in on him now, but this one would get him first. The ankle-biter would crush his skull, and it would hurt, but he supposed there were worse ways to die.

He felt the uneven teeth grinding against his head, felt the pressure increase – but it wasn't enough to give him a quick death. With this amount of force, his skull would fracture slowly, and damn, it hurt. It hurt so damn badly that tears formed in his eyes, spilled over. He was overcome with the urge to scream, to cry out in pain even though it wouldn't help, but all his lungs could manage was a desperate gasp for the breath that was being squeezed out of them.


It took him a second to think past the agony in his head, to recognize that desperate cry. But when he did, his heart lurched. She was here...?

He heard the familiar sound of blades splitting flesh, and instantly, the titan stopped biting down on him, stopped crushing his body between its hands. No sooner had the pressure vanished than other, smaller hands were grabbing him, pulling him away from the monster. And while their grip on him was secure, those hands were also tender. Familiar. This was...

Levi looked up at his savior, and his eyes met with the most beautiful face he'd ever seen. His wife's face.

"Are you alright?" she asked frantically, daring a quick glance at him before she had to look forward and watch where she was going. "Can you hear me? Levi?"

"Get him somewhere safe!" Hanji called to her. "We'll take care of the other titans."

"On it!" (f/n) shouted back as she carried him away from the battle. Thankfully, there were some trees within range, and she was able to swing up into them, high enough that the titans couldn't reach. She took him several meters into the woods, to a place where they could still hear the fight, but where it wouldn't reach them.

Then she set him down on a think branch, carefully leaning him back against the trunk of the tree. The canopy of leaves shielded them from most of the rain, and he could barely feel the rest dripping onto his saliva-covered hair, his soaked clothes. Pain consumed him from head to toe, drowning out all but a vague awareness of his surroundings. He wasn't even sure if he could move on his own.

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