Salt and Pepper (Levi x Reader)

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Author's Note: Hello, lovelies! Please be advised, this one contains spoilers for Levi's physical state at the end of the manga. Also, it's pretty steamy. Enjoy!

Sunlight was just starting to peek through the curtains when you opened your eyes, still snuggled underneath your soft duvet. You felt the warmth of your husband's body pressed against your own, and when you glanced over, you were met with the beautiful sight of Levi's sleeping face – his dark lashes resting against pale cheeks, his expression perfectly relaxed. He looked so peaceful.

There had been a time when he'd never sleep later than you – when he'd hardly sleep at all. But occasionally, now, he was able to sleep longer, and it seemed today was one of those days. You had to smile at that, glad he was getting the rest he deserved.

As you watched him, cherishing the sight, you realized his black hair was just starting to go grey around his temples. Intrigued, you reached out to stroke it, your grin widening. You'd spent so long thinking you and Levi would never get the chance to grow old together. Yet, here you were, doing it.

At your gentle touch, Levi's eyelids fluttered. "G'morning," he mumbled, practically purring as you continued to pet his hair.

"Good morning," you murmured, still grinning. "Did you know you're getting salt-and-pepper hair?"

"Tch," Levi tutted, his eyes opening halfway to glare at you. "Is that your way of calling me old?"

"No, not old," you clarified. "Just...seasoned." You snickered a bit at your pun.

Levi rolled his eyes. "You know, you're only a couple years younger than me."

"Mmm, then we can be seasoned together. Like a pair of delicious French fries," you hummed, snickering again. A second later, you added, "Oh man, now I'm hungry."

Levi clicked his tongue. "Don't go looking for French fries before you've had a proper breakfast, brat," he scolded, knowing you definitely would attempt to hunt down some fries first thing in the morning.

"I'll be good," you giggled. "Besides, why would I go looking for French fries when I have a perfectly scrumptious one right here?" you teased before leaning in to nip at his nose.

"Oi," Levi grunted, swatting you away. "At least brush your teeth before you eat me."

"So I do get to eat you?" you questioned, eyeing him suggestively while you slipped out of bed.

Levi's cheeks dusted pink. "Tch. You know that's not what I meant."

"Oh, I see," you drawled playfully. "You want to eat me instead."

Levi sputtered, looking anywhere but at you as he futilely tried to come up with a retort, and you couldn't help but giggle at the adorable display. His shyness had lessened over the years – a natural consequence of all you two had said and done. However, it had never truly gone away, and you loved that.

"S-shut up," Levi snapped indignantly. "Honestly, all these years, and you're still so horny. Isn't that supposed to diminish with age?"

"Maybe for people who aren't married to you," you quipped while your chuckles gradually faded.

He rolled his eyes. "Tch. Just help me get to the bathroom, so I can brush my teeth, too."

You continued to grin widely as you made your way to his side of the bed. "Of course, darling," you murmured.

Helping Levi get around was as natural to you as breathing, now. After his leg was injured in the final battle with the titans, he'd lost the ability to walk on his own – unless he tried to hobble on one foot, which was even more embarrassing than asking you for help. At first, he'd been reluctant to burden you, instead using his wheelchair or his cane for every little thing. But after several months, he'd finally realized that you didn't mind letting him lean on you. And then, he began to see your offers of assistance not as an inconvenience to you, but as an expression of your love for him. Thus, humiliation and guilt gave way to intimacy and gratitude.

Yet, this time, rather than simply allowing him to lean on you, you slipped your arms under him and scooped him up – cradling him like a bride on wedding day.

"Oi!" he snapped, narrowing his eyes at you even as he blushed fiercely. "I can walk, you know. I just need something to lean on."

"Yes, but if I carry you, it helps me keep up my strength," you drawled, smirking slyly – because you both knew that wasn't your true motivation. A moment later, just to see his reaction, you added, "Besides, you're just too adorable to put down."

Levi scoffed and turned his face away – though he couldn't hide the blush that was growing darker by the second.

You giggled before setting him on the bathroom counter. Then the two of you brushed your teeth together – passing the toothpaste between you, taking turns spitting into the sink, just as you'd done a thousand times before. After you set your toothbrushes aside, Levi reached over to wipe his thumb across the corner of your mouth, his gaze focused in a way that caused butterflies to stir inside your stomach.

"You got toothpaste on your face, messy brat," he grumbled by way of explanation. Then he rinsed his thumb off underneath the faucet, completely oblivious to what he was doing to you.

Your breath grew shallow, your eyes darkening with desire as you stared at him. "I think you missed a spot, too," you whispered.

"What?" Levi muttered incredulously, immediately looking into the mirror. Upon seeing that his face was perfectly clean, his confused gaze flicked to you. "No I – oh."

Your husband stopped with a soft gasp when he noticed how you were staring at him. He was well-acquainted with that look by now, and he knew exactly what it meant. You watched as he swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing tightly in a display that only made you want him more.

"Let me help you," you breathed, already leaning in to capture his lips in a slow cling.

Levi moaned – the sound a vibration from your mouth all the way to your core. You opened him right away, and he let you, his tongue licking against yours in blissful, languid welcome. His arms slipped around your shoulders, while yours wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer until he slid to the very edge of the counter, every inch of him pressed against you.

It only made you hungry for more.

"Don't –" Levi tried to ask in the brief moment you parted to take a breath – only to dive back in before he could finish. Yet, he didn't seem to mind, kissing you with as much liquid fervor as you gave to him until you needed to breathe again. "Don't we need to...get back to bed?" he panted somewhat incoherently between gasps, his lungs starving after your assault. "So we you said?"

"Mmm...I'm perfectly capable of eating you right here," you hummed, nipping at his bottom lip before making your way down his neck.

"But I thought – ah." Your husband cut off with a mewl when your teeth found a sensitive spot. "I thought I was going you."

You paused, a thrill shooting through you at the idea. "We could do that," you murmured against his throat, feeling him shiver at the warmth of your breath on his skin. "Or...we could eat each other."

Levi cursed. "Yes," he hissed, his voice choked and needy in a way that made you want to tease him endlessly. "That. Let's...please."

You couldn't help grinning while you listened to him beg. "You know, I don't think I've ever heard a French fry ask so nicely," you quipped, your smile widening when he tutted at your antics.

"Damn, you really know how to ruin the mood," Levi grumbled, but his attempt at annoyance was undermined by the weakness in his voice. "You and your dumb jokes."

You laughed. "Funny. It doesn't feel like I ruined the mood," you commented slyly, pressing flush against him.

His breath caught. "Okay, okay, fine," he conceded, the words tumbling out of him like he had lost all control over them. "Just get on with it."

You clicked your tongue in mock admonition. "Gee, so demanding. Maybe I should go get some ketchup first."


"There we go," you purred, enjoying the adorable pout on Levi's face as you scooped him up, carrying him back to bed.

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