Chapter 184: D'Arnell's Gambit

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Author's Note:
Spent some time working on Flintarm and D'Arnell's dialogue. Do you guys think its a bit cliche to have a Scottish sounding Mirishial dwarf and a posh British sounding Muan? How do you feel about these accents?

Author's Note 2: 

Manifest Fantasy manga/comic is now in the works! Still just setting up the foundation so it might take a while, but I think I've found an artist I can work with. Attached is an example (not related to any particular scene) of what the manga might look like if I continue working with this artist. Feel free to join the discord to stay tuned for updates! Early access content and drafts will be available exclusively for Patrons.

Read up to three weeks ahead! Chapters up to 187 are now out for corresponding Patreon tiers!


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January 25, 1641
Artticus Ocean
IGVN Second Conquest Fleet
Grade Atlastar-class Battleship GVS Laniakea

Fleet Admiral Falke Venstrom stood on the bridge, gaze fixed on the map sprawled across the table before him. The map, a carefully annotated representation of the ongoing battle, was updated continuously by the ship's radio operators and intelligence officers. They were making progress, but not as much as he'd hoped.

His brow furrowed as he studied the latest reports from the strike group he had deployed earlier. The Muans' La Burke-class destroyers were proving a tougher challenge than anticipated, their advanced anti-aircraft capabilities taking a toll on his bomber squadrons. While the skill and determination of his pilots were unquestionable, Venstrom couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the higher-than-expected losses. If he had committed more units to the fight, he could've mitigated some of the losses. Well, it was too late for that. At the very least, the existing forces were still more than enough, and the gap between them and the EDI defenders would only grow as more La Burkes succumb to their assault.

The sounds of footsteps approaching drew his attention, and Venstrom turned to see a communications officer saluting sharply. "Fleet Admiral Venstrom, sir. Lieutenant Morric, communications, reporting."

Venstrom returned the salute. "At ease, Lieutenant. What do you have for me?"

"Sir, we've received a priority message from VB-30, one of the bomber squadrons. They've observed unusual activity within the enemy fleet."

"Go ahead, Lieutenant," Venstrom prompted, his interest piqued.

Lieutenant Morric consulted his notes before continuing. "VB-30 reports that a group of ships, including what they believe to be two Orichalcum-class battleships and a dozen destroyer and cruiser escorts, has broken formation and is advancing towards the Hel Reis battlegroup."

The news gave Venstrom pause. The EDI battleships, with their heavy armor and powerful main guns, were designed for close-range engagements. While their missiles had considerable reach, the Pegasus and Cygnus-class carriers still outranged them. Their sudden advance suggested a potential shift in tactics, perhaps an attempt to draw his fleet into a more direct confrontation. The risk of exposing his carriers and other critical assets to the enemy battleships' firepower was not lost on him.

Venstrom turned to his intelligence officer. "Commander Eckhardt, I want a full analysis of the composition and capabilities of this advancing force. Coordinate with the air reconnaissance division and get me a detailed report, on the double."

"Aye, sir," Commander Eckhardt responded crisply, immediately setting to work.

Venstrom then addressed his operations officer. "Commander Neumark, signal all ships to maintain current positions and readiness levels. I want our strike groups to continue their attacks on the enemy fleet but to exercise caution and maintain a safe distance from those battleships."

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