Chapter 124: Action and Reaction

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Author's Note: I have returned from my short break and will resume weekly uploads after the holiday season, with no chapters scheduled for December 6, 27, and January 3.


October 15, 1640
Washington D.C.

President Lee sipped on freshly imported Qua Toynian tea as he nodded toward Secretary of Defense Robert Hill, who was accompanied by Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Daniel Faraday.

Having received the sign to give his report, Hill placed down his cup and summarized the evolving situation in Mu. "Mister President, the Gra Valkas Empire has just completed its conquest of the Alue region. All territory southwest of the Malmund Mountains – save for the adjacent Malmund Grasslands to the northwest and the Oster Plains to the east – now falls under the control of the Gra Valkan Army." Hill submitted his report with the composure expected of an official such as himself. Although the contents of his report left much to be desired, he nevertheless delivered it as if the fall of the Alue region was an anticipated outcome.

"It took the Gra Valkans a bit longer than expected," Lee said. Indeed, he and his cabinet had planned for this; the losses incurred at Alue and Kielseki were but the starting dominoes of his massive Rube Goldberg machine. Lee sighed. He wished that he could have done more and entered the war early, but he walked a delicate path – one that could lead to the best possible outcome for both Mu and the United States. Quickly shaking his negative feelings, he continued with the meeting. "How are the defenses holding up along the other fronts?"

Hill answered, "Thanks to the efforts of Mu's forces at Dawson Base, we can consider the Malmund Mountains now impassable. The time they bought allowed Mu to complete their defensive preparations and for our shipments to arrive; there is no possible way the Gra Valkans will be able to push through Malmund Valley now. The other fronts are experiencing similar losses, with the Gra Valkas Empire slowly pushing through Muan defenses. As it stands currently, our weapon shipments and aid are not yet enough to match the Gra Valkans' numerical advantage. Most of Mu's forces are also still equipped with domestic weapons of their own make."

All according to plan, Lee thought. He knew that this stall was merely a facade to enrich the sprawling American military-industrial complex through ever-increasing weapon sales. He didn't know whether his conscience was just seeking justification, or if this was truly the best way to do things, but he couldn't deny the effectiveness of this strategy. If he helped too early, public opinion back home would sour; he needed more support before starting yet another war. If he did nothing, the United States would lose a strategic foothold in the western hemisphere. Although egregiously beneficial to the defense industry and politicians involved in the business, continued weapon sales did serve as a great stopgap between the two extremes.

And now, it was only a matter of time before public support reached the necessary threshold for the United States to join the war without any political consequences for himself. "I see," Lee said, responding to Hill's comment on weapon shipments. "Then, I believe it is time to begin ramping up our shipments, eh?"

"Indeed it is, Mister President. But," Hill said, a look of worry flashing across his face, "How will the Muans afford it?"

Lee felt a devious smile stretching his mouth, "Their treasury doesn't have the funds necessary, but I'm certain their natural deposits suffice as payment. I'll leave the calculations and negotiations to Secretary Heiden. For now, let's discuss logistics. What do you propose we offer to the Muans?"

Hill reviewed the state of the Muan arsenal and compared it with Gra Valkan counterparts. "Modern light arms are still rare in Mu, so I propose expanding shipments of these weapons, as they are the easiest to manufacture and distribute. As for weapons that could pack a bigger punch, we have old Abrams that we could sell, on top of increasing shipments of anti-tank and artillery units. Considering the effectiveness of mobile weapon platforms, I also suggest increasing production of VAMPIRE units and selling THAAD units to bolster Mu's anti-bomber and anti-missile capabilities."

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