Chapter 97: To the Stars

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June 15, 1640
Nahanath Territory
Armstrong Space Center

Prime Minister Sinclair and his entourage stared up at the towering metal construct in the distance as it held an even more massive cylindrical structure in place. A large plane sat next to it while dozens of people swarmed about the base of the tower, many equipped with hard hats and tablets. The scene itself screamed 'important project', but he didn't know what this project even entailed. He knew only what the invite suggested: the Americans were to demonstrate their means of traveling to the heavens.

If there was one thing he could be sure of, it was that whatever this demonstration was, it was certainly meant to be a show of force. He knew that the Americans were technologically superior, but felt it unnecessary for them to rub it in with a grandiose display of their abilities. Then again, these people were generally practical, so he wondered what the auxiliary purposes of this endeavor were.

As if answering his thoughts, the American president strolled up beside him. "Welcome to the Armstrong Space Center in the Nahanath Territory, Prime Minister Sinclair," he extended a hand, smiling, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"And you as well, President Lee," Sinclair reciprocated, shaking the suited man's hand. Curiously, the air around the American president was surprisingly cool.

Lee took notice of Sinclair's expression. "Portable air conditioner," he explained. "Runs off blue magic gems, or so I'm told."

Sinclair gave a somewhat impressed look, wondering how his own people have never thought to incorporate magic into their society in such a manner. "How quaint," he said.

"Indeed," Lee said, turning to face the large installation. "I'm sure you've got many questions about this event, Mister Prime Minister."

Sinclair nodded.

"They'll be answered in due time. We're just waiting for the other delegations to arrive." Lee then gestured toward the sidewalk, "Since you've arrived early, how about we take a walk?"

The two leaders and their guards began walking toward the facility's main command center. As they did so, Sinclair broke the silence. "Nahanath Territory?"

"The Nahanath Kingdom petitioned for territory status not too long ago, sometime during the Parpaldian Empire's conquests. Generosity and friendship really does wonders, eh?"

Although Sinclair had the striking feeling that the royal family was somehow bribed or coerced, he let his concerns dissipate. In any case, the people of this region were likely better off in American hands anyway, as evidenced by the remarkable modernization of the Rodenius continent and other nations within the American sphere of influence. He answered simply, "Right. If only the Gra Valkans understood that."

"Oh, speaking of the Gra Valkas Empire, my administration came up with some more... aggressive solutions to fending them off."

Lee's statement stirred up a storm of optimism within Sinclair. Fighting the excitement, he maintained an expert poker face. "Oh? I'm open to hearing what you have in mind, President Lee."

"What do you think about mercenaries?"


Prince Cabal scratched his head as he entered the ultra-modern hotel situated near the airport. While Gesta and Dallas went to check in, Cabal and Cielia waited in the lobby, taking a couch for themselves. He turned to Cielia, asking her, "Say, this country, the Nahanath Kingdom... When did they start accepting the Americans onto their soil?"

"Your Highness, the Nahanath Kingdom became a territory of the United States around October of last year. I assume they've been in contact for at least a month prior to this."

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