Chapter 27: The Invasion of Altaras (2)

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Washington D.C.

President Lee and his advisors, along with military attachés, analyzed real-time satellite data as they tracked the Parpaldian fleet. Hundreds of miles to the west, the Altaran fleet deployed from their home port, establishing a defensive perimeter along their shores. President Lee sat in silence, listening to his subordinates' discussions when something caught his attention. Someone mentioned a submarine, the USS Texas.

President Lee held up his right hand, causing the room to go quiet. "Where's the Texas now?"

A naval officer replied, "Sir, the USS Texas is en route to intercept, ETA 16 hours."

President Lee saw an opportunity. "Good. The Parpaldians don't have sonar or anything, I assume. No magic wizardry that can help them detect our subs either, Dr. Holden?"

A man in a lab coat nodded his head, a tag identifying him as the Director of Magical Research. "That's correct, Mister President," he said as he adjusted his glasses.

"Excellent." He crossed his arms. "Let's help out the Altarans and take out those wyvern carriers."

A foreign affairs official protested, "But sir, would it be wise to demonstrate our capabilities this early?"

President Lee raised his eyebrow slightly, preparing a reply. However, the Secretary of the Navy got there first, elaborating for him. "No, I think the President has a sound idea here. Rumors and tall tales are rampant in this part of the world, and so are 'sea monsters'. Torpedoes slamming into those carriers certainly won't look like a sea monster attack, but what else could these primitives attribute the destruction to?"

Nods of agreement affirmed the reasonability of this strategy.

"Well, alright then. Steven, let me know if there are any updates. I've got to get started on some speeches and denouncements against the Parpaldian Empire."


Le Brias, Kingdom of Altaras

King Taara listened to the American manacomm with his military's leaders. They collectively felt the stinging blade of anxiety on their necks as the Parpaldian fleet approached.

The device crackled to life as another update came through. "Current trajectory is the Altaran capital city of Le Brias, projected time of arrival is 24 hours. Cloud cover is beginning to clear; estimated ship count is at 324. 211 ships of the line, 12 wyvern carriers, 101 transports and supply ships."

Hearing that number was like an arrow through the heart; despite Altaras' immense wealth, they still could not match up to the might of the Parpaldian Empire. As the Americans had warned, they will likely be crushed in the open sea, which is why ambushes and unconventional tactics were recommended. Wooden spikes and other obstacles were placed throughout the most probable landing zones. Mines and pitfall traps reminiscent of Vietnam-era contraptions were placed randomly in the forest separating Le Brias from the northern beaches.

The angered Altarans cared not about playing dirty; they only cared about vengeance against the humiliation and oppression that they suffered under Parpaldian rule. Although the Altarans were well-versed in the concept of honor, they eagerly threw it aside for a chance at punishing their arrogant overlords. They enthusiastically invested a significant portion of their magic gems to decimate the invading army, realizing that if the Parpaldians succeeded, they would lose everything and not just gems.

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