Chapter 54: Calamique

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Note: Corporal Baker (guy who got teleported naked) and his squad from chapters 10-12 will be returning. I have made him a Lieutenant now and have changed a few other things, such as his unit's ship and his participation in the defense of Topa.


January 28, 1640
South of Tango Island (Ring Island)
1,300 miles north of Michigan

Fine sand composed a small buffer between the deadly rocks and the crashing ocean waves, building up a deposit as the erosion of the mountains continued. Undisturbed by civilization for thousands of years, waves parted as a small fleet of ships approached the strange formation. Maintaining their distance from the rocky coastline of the ring-shaped island, they prepared for an expedition into the lands sheltered within.

The USS America, escorted by a squadron of destroyers, stirred to life as two Ospreys from the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit loaded up personnel. Selected for their prior combat experience in the Qua Toynian wilderness during the Lourian campaign and in the Siege of Topa, the two platoons departed from the ship. Intelligence gathered from overhead flights and satellite imagery made it clear that landing would be difficult. There were safe landing zones within the populated regions, but they couldn't be secured due to a lack of manacomms on the island. The only other alternative was therefore the beaches of the central island, from which the escorted delegation would have to cross through miles of dense, monster-infested temperate forest.

As the Ospreys approached the beach, the sound of metal whipping the air rapidly scared off a flock of birds, causing them to retreat into the forest. Sand, leaves, and seaweed on the shore were swept aside by the powerful gales generated by the landing machines. They touched down on the sandy ground, as close as possible to the solid dirt near the forest's entrance.

The Osprey passengers disembarked, led by Lieutenant Baker who quickly secured a perimeter around the landing zone. With guns raised, his men fanned out, forming a semicircle. Most were armed with Scar-H battle rifles, a precaution against monsters that standard 5.56 would have difficulty dealing with. They were further bolstered by assault and heavy machine gun squads, who packed enough firepower to wipe out flight of wyverns.

"Looks like we're all clear, Mister Ambassador," Baker announced to a suited man and his assistants in the Osprey.

"Lead the way, Lieutenant," the massive Viking of an ambassador announced, emerging from the craft with a rifle slung over his shoulder.

Baker signaled for his men to move forward into the forest, wondering how a man like Ambassador Meyer got into diplomacy in the first place. Representing the archetype of adventurer with astounding success, Meyer pushed into the forest alongside him. Grumbling in slight disappointment, it was evident that the ambassador would've wanted to lead the formation. Begrudgingly, he remained in the center, abiding by procedures.

The deciduous trees and minimal brush allowed the Americans to move relatively easily through the forest. After traversing two miles without encountering anything more than an occasional deer, their eventless expedition was finally interrupted by a maiden's shriek. The marines tensed up, raising their rifles and aiming at the trees.

Meyer sprung into action, pointing somewhere north. "It came from that way!" He announced, rushing to investigate.

Baker had no time to stop the ambassador, who already took off. Closely following suit, he cursed under his breath at the ambassador's erratic actions. "Sir, we don't know if the forest is safe!"

"If it ain't, then we'll make it safe," he responded. "This may very well be our first contact, and I'd like to make sure that we have a good impression on the natives here."

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