Chapter 182: The Battle of Mykal (2)

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Author's Note (Story and Patreon Updates):

If you like Summoning America, you'll love Manifest Fantasy! Manifest Fantasy is my latest work and is also modern-fantasy-themed. Expect excellent writing quality, well-written characters, original worldbuilding, and a fresh take on the modern vs fantasy (or military isekai) genre.

Note 2:

Read up to two weeks ahead: Chapters 183 and 184 are now out for corresponding Patreon tiers!


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January 23, 1641
Artticus Ocean, 250 miles from Mykal
IGVN Second Conquest Fleet
Pegasus-class Fleet Carrier GVS Hel Reis

Lieutenant Commander Lukas Adler entered the briefing room. He was surrounded by the low murmur of conversation as his fellow pilots, the elite of their naval air arm, waited for the briefing to begin. He took his seat at the front, his eyes scanning the faces of the men who would soon be under his command. They were a hardened bunch, each one a proven warrior of the sky, dedicated to the cause of Gra Valkan supremacy.

The briefing officer stepped up to the podium, his presence commanding the room's attention. "Gentlemen, today we embark on a mission of vital importance to the Gra Valkan Empire," he began, his voice filled with the unwavering confidence that was the hallmark of their superior culture. "Our target is the Elysian defense fleet, currently positioned off the coast of Mykal."

Adler leaned forward slightly, his interest piqued. The Elysians, while technologically inferior to the mighty Gra Valkas Empire, had proven to be a persistent thorn in their side. It was time to pluck that thorn and crush it beneath the heel of Gra Valkan might, demonstrating the superiority of their empire and its indomitable warrior spirit.

The officer gestured to a large map on the wall, indicating the known positions of the enemy ships. "Intelligence reports indicate the presence of several high-value targets, including six Muan La-Burke class destroyers, two Orichalcum-class battleships, and two Rodeus-class carriers. The La-Burke class, in particular, is believed to possess advanced anti-aircraft capabilities, likely provided by their American allies."

Adler studied the map intently, his mind already analyzing potential vulnerabilities. While they lacked detailed information on the La-Burke class destroyers' specific capabilities, he was certain that their experience and training would allow them to triumph. The Muans were barbarians compared to even the Mirishials. Regardless of the tools they were bestowed upon by their American masters, at the end of the day, they were still barbarians.

"Although we don't have comprehensive intelligence on the La-Burke class, we must assume they possess enhanced targeting systems and potentially even radar-guided guns," the officer continued. "However, their limited numbers and reliance on foreign technology – which they have likely had minimal time to train with – make them vulnerable to the superior tactics, numbers, and training of our pilots."

Adler nodded in agreement, his confidence bolstered by the officer's words. The Gra Valkas Empire had faced many challenges in its glorious history, and had always emerged victorious through the strength of its warriors and the brilliance of its strategy. Even the Kainians, in all their might, would have crumbled easily.

The officer pointed to the map, highlighting the planned attack vectors. "Your mission is to neutralize these threats, focusing primarily on the La-Burke class destroyers positioned on the outer perimeter of the Elysian formation. You will approach from the western coastline at an altitude of 12,000 feet, using cloud cover and fog to mask your approach. The dive bombers will lead the attack, initiating their dives at a 70-degree angle from an altitude of 8,000 feet. Your primary targets will be the destroyers' command centers, bridge superstructures, and any visible anti-aircraft batteries."

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