Chapter 145: 99 Problems

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Author's Note:
I am currently vacationing in Japan so chapter updates may be sporadic, but I will still be posting around the general vicinity of the standard Tuesday schedule. I will update on discord if anything changes.

Note 2:
This story is a fanfic of Summoning Japan (Nihonkoku Shoukan) so do check it out.

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December 19, 1640
Washington, D.C.

A buzz of anticipation surrounded the Situation Room as a conglomeration of President Lee's closest advisors assembled for a meeting. President Lee surveyed the room, his discerning eyes taking in the scene around him. Names such as Vice President Jacob Coleman, Chairman Brent McCarthy, Secretary of Defense Robert Hill, and Secretary of State Gordon Heiden were present, along with numerous others.

Though they had thus far recovered from the worst of the Transference's effects, they now had to deal with a slew of rising problems that coincided with dramatically shifting dynamics. Clearing his throat, Lee broke the suspense. "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice reverberating through the room. "Today, we dissect the state of our nation in Elysia, particularly the aftermath of the extraction operation."

A sense of gravity permeated the room. The extraction operation was overwhelmingly successful but carried questionable risks and consequences. And the ensuing declaration from the Gra Valkans - well, it signaled a major shift in the geopolitical landscape. Lee and his cohorts in the EDI finally got what they wanted – American intervention, but at what cost?

"Before we dive into the meat of this meeting, I'd like each one of you to bear in mind one thing," President Lee continued, his gaze connecting with each participant. "We aren't just discussing policy or strategy. We're making decisions that affect lives – the lives of those who trust us to lead. Though the people may not understand the true scope of our mission here, we must do all that we can to satisfy the people and ensure that our administration maintains its priority in preparing for the return of the Ravernal Empire. Let that guide our discussions today."

His words hung in the air as heads around the table nodded in acknowledgment. Not everyone took the threat of the Ravernal Empire's return seriously; there still remained many skeptics who have taken to the screens and ridiculed the Eimorians' revelation for their own political gain. If Lee's administration couldn't satisfy the people, an ignorant leader could win power, disregarding the threat of the Ravernals until it was too late. This was the sobering reality of their roles, the responsibility that anchored their ambitions and strategies.

The room fell into silence, save for the hum of the air conditioning and the faint rustling of briefing papers. Eyes turned to President Lee once more, awaiting the deep dive into the matters at hand.

"Let's proceed," Lee directed, opening the floor to the first point of discussion on their packed agenda- the recent extraction operation.

His words served as a signal for Hill to take the floor. The room's attention shifted, expectantly, to Hill. "The extraction was a resounding success," Hill began, his voice crisp and assertive. "All of our High-Value Targets – Emperor Gra Lux, Crown Prince Gra Cabal, the Imperial Family, Chief of the Military Xand Pastall, Office of the Sovereign Secretary Varden Kurtz, and several other vital personnel – were safely retrieved. Our forces, I'm relieved to report, sustained light injuries, but no fatalities."

A sigh of relief fluttered through the room, a testament to the weight of the mission's outcome on everyone present. They had won a significant victory.

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