Chapter 23: Realization

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San Diego, California

Kaios hummed in pleasant surprise as he noticed the chilly air inside. Thinking about the Tear-based ventilation systems in Esthirant, he wondered how the Americans' so-called 'air-conditioning' worked. For a nation that claimed to have no magic at all, they were certainly able to replicate effects created by magic. Was this truly the potential of science?

Raita led him to an elevator, where one of the hotel staff showed them how to operate it. The machine was simple: all they needed to do was press a button to reach the floor they desired. Kaios immediately thought of the towering spires in Esthirant; this 'elevator' would've been quite the innovative and desirable tool for such tall buildings. The numbers on the buttons were alien to him, but bore an interesting resemblance — one that he could not identify. He looked toward Raita, who was learning the Americans' numerical system.

After a couple minutes, Raita seemed satisfied with her knowledge and, comparing the buttons to a slip on her hand, pressed the corresponding floor number where their unit was located. With a soft jolt, the elevator rose upward, accelerating and then calmly slowing down as it reached its destination.

"Oh dear," Kaios said, his knuckles white from holding the rails. "That felt... peculiar." He immediately let go, slightly embarrassed that he had overreacted to something that Raita seemed unfazed by.

"Hmm?" Raita asked.

"It was of no concern," Kaios dismissively said. They walked out of the elevator together. "So, Raita. Where is the room?"

"It is just around this corner," She said as she walked up to a door, keycard in hand. With a soft beep, the door unlocked and she opened it, walking into an even cooler environment than that of the hallway.

The temperature of the air surprised Kaios; although he was familiar with the technology itself, he didn't realize how cold the Americans could make the air. Parpaldian cooling technology was erratic, limited to the purity of the magic gems that powered their Tear systems. Although mages themselves could cool an entire room to such drastic levels, they could only maintain this magic for minutes. Kaios finally began to understand just how advanced these 'barbarians' were.

He looked around the room, somewhat unimpressed by the small size, but simultaneously intrigued by the design and amenities available. Although small, the room held a certain elegance to it. Then, something caught his eye. "Ah... Raita?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Is there only one bed?"

"Yes. They had no other options available," Raita said with a mischievous smile.

Kaios blushed. "Very well..."

While Raita unpacked the luggages, Kaios inspected the room. The beds were satisfactory, even better than the best beds that nobles in Esthirant could buy. The restroom contained several alien items, but he recognized lotions and toothbrushes. After studying the objects and the picture cards associated with their uses, he moved on to the bathtub.

Eyeing the hose-like appendage above with great curiosity, he turned the knob. The faucet below ran with water, and expectedly began filling the bathtub. "Hmm, not much difference there," Kaios said to himself. He then pulled a pin on the faucet itself, and was surprised as his head was drenched with cold water. "Oh!" He recoiled backward in surprise.

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