Chapter 24: Doomslayer

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October 25, 1639
The Gate of the World, Topa Kingdom

Posted upon an observation tower, a young man with unkempt dark hair yawned. He leaned back on his chair lazily while his friend paced around, radiating anxiety. The shuffling of his friend's armor eventually became annoying, causing the young man to finally speak.

"Moah, will you quit that? How is a man supposed to get some rest around the restless?"

"The Americans said that a large group of ten thousand demons is currently marching here! Gai, I know not if all mercenaries are as carefree as yourself, but are you not terrified?" Moah said with exasperation.

Gai shrugged. "What's there to be terrified of?" He asked rhetorically as a squadron of metal dragons flew overhead, escorting several larger aircraft. "Here," he offered a pair of binoculars. "I heard from some friends who were at the military festival in Fenn that these Americans possess powerful explosion magic and repeating muskets that can shoot dozens of times faster than Parpaldian weapons. They also have these... guided light arrows that explode on impact!"

Moah, still unconvinced, shook his head. "Ehh, I think those are exaggerations."

"Nah, just take a look!" Gai used his binoculars to spectate the fleet of American aircraft.

Moah followed suit, and trailed the flying gargantuans as they made their way toward Demon Lord Nosgorath's camp. The American aircraft pulled up, shrinking into tiny specks. Looking back down at the camp, Moah clearly saw Nosgorath shuffling about, somehow aware of the coming attack.

Nosgorath began chanting and hastily erected an incredibly large Kaiser Golem, a large autonomous mech-like rock golem. "Wow, I've never seen powerful magic like that before!" Moah said with a shiver.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. Just wait," Gai said.

Nosgorath looked up, seemingly eyeing the aircraft. Moah was astonished at how the demon lord was able to locate the threat. "What eyesight does he have?! We can barely see the flying machines with these scopes!"

Nosgorath then cast a shield over himself, just moments before small dark objects rained down upon his camp. An area larger than several acres was soon engulfed in flames and ashes as mighty explosions ripped through his troops without mercy, even shattering the exhaustively created Kaiser Golem. Moah's jaw dropped at the sight.

An entire demon army was leveled with air superiority. Without even meeting their foes on the battlefield, the Americans simply laid waste to the demons, not risking a single soul against them. Moah watched as the aircraft flew back toward the gate, their mission completed.

At first, he was skeptical of these newcomers and their magicless technology. For some reason, his superiors deemed it necessary to secure a defense treaty with the Americans as fast as possible. Now, he understood this reason: overwhelming firepower. The columns of smoke rising up from the distance only served to cement this revelation. Nothing was left unscathed, not even the mighty Nosgorath, who stumbled about as the dust settled and the smoke cleared. His flickering magic shield faltered. Realizing his vulnerability, Nosgorath quickly ran into the smoke, disappearing from sight.

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