Chapter 28: The Invasion of Altaras (3)

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Author's Note:
— Visit my discord server for updates, announcements, and discussion for my stories! We get hundreds of messages per day, if not thousands! Link is also available on my profile page.

— Unfortunately due to work and university, I cannot continue to release chapters as I have had before. I will attempt to maintain weekly chapter releases (one new chapter every Monday). Writing so many new chapters per week is difficult to integrate into my schedule, so I will only be releasing one extra chapter per $50 donated.

This will take effect starting September 1, 2021. Thank you all for understanding. If you're unhappy with the changes, feel free to adjust your patronage amounts to something more reasonable; I don't wish to overcharge anyone.

If you've already sent a payment for the month of august, feel free to adjust your patronage status.

— Due to technical difficulties and other priorities, I will only be releasing one chapter of Summoning America this week. The next chapter of Manifest Fantasy will be pushed back by one week.

The total number of SA chapters for the month of August will not change; I will have a double upload next week rather than this week.


Pannuris Squadron, 15 Miles Southwest of Le Brias

Wind rushed through Knight Captain Shalsas' helmet as his steed darted through the skies at full speed. As one of the Parpaldian Empire's best combatants, he was one of the select few who could handle the incredible speeds that wyvern lords were capable of. Boasting attributes greater than those of standard wyverns, these beasts exhibited such advantages that wyverns couldn't hope to beat them, one on one. The Altarans realized this and thinned the Parpaldian aerial forces, hoping to even the playing field. 80 wyvern lords faced off against a force three times their size.

"Sir, we've lost track of two groups of wyverns, amounting to eighty contacts each," One of his subordinates reported.

Shalsas looked up into the dense layer of clouds above. "Likely attempting the exact same strategy that our own units are. Have Vanturus Squadron take position above us. Defensive formation 'Overseer One'."

"Your orders have been transmitted, Knight Captain."

"Good," he said as he adjusted his helmet's manacomm. "I truly don't want to make it seem as if we're saving the glory of battle for ourselves, but this is a precaution we must take."

"Knight Captain Gandus won't be happy with having to take the initial strikes. His unit will receive significant casualties..."

"Such is the nature of war," Shalsas said, eyeing the Altaran ships with bloodthirsty eyes. "Such shame that war is in our nature."


Altaran Royal Navy

Bordo watched as ballistae were angled upward as the Parpaldian wyvern lords approached. Trying to hit even a standard wyvern with such a weapon was unthinkable. However, new advancements in magical technology, ushered in by American assistance, gave birth to new tactics. Since the new bolts were equipped with magical fuses, an accurately timed volley could devastate the tightly grouped wyvern lords above.

Although the ballista operators were adequately trained by the wealthy Altarans, they lacked technology to help with their aim. Without any fire control systems, they had to rely on their personal skill and wit. They carefully adjusted the angles of the ballistae to compensate for the movement of the wyvern lords above, who were yet to take any evasive action. Slowly and with bated breath, they prepared to fire.

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