Chapter 92: The Battle of Groun Sea

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May 20, 1640
Mandelas, Itrata, Nigrat Union

The Nigrat Union's capital bustled with activity as citizens cleared the streets for military convoys. Emergency alert towers flashed red intermittently – a silent warning to the citizens below, who crumbled at the sight. Many stood in shock and disbelief, a few so dumbfounded that they had to be pulled to safety by local knights.

Red was a color that nobody had ever seen before; the alert towers had hitherto flashed green, blue, and yellow to herald presidential announcements, warn of storms, and signal a state of war. Red, as taught in Union schools, were far more ominous. They signaled an existential threat – a crisis fit for the likes of the Ravernal Empire. Those who knew little of current events panicked, fearing the return of the feared Sorcerers. On the other hand, those who followed news updates since the fall of the Hinomawari Kingdom knew that the threat at hand was not as severe, but threatening nonetheless. The Gra Valkan Empire had finally begun their invasion.


President Kassar watched the streets below from his castle, traces of red occasionally flashing across his eyes. His mind grew heavy, troubled to the extent that he could hear the constant, loud pounding of his heart. His legs felt as if they were ready to cave in, their structure unable to counteract gravity the way they had for decades. The incessant pounding grew louder, and his stomach churned, crying out. Already, he felt sweat accumulating from within his gloves – a gross feeling that he detested. At the very least, it served as a minor distraction, to take his mind off the inevitable doom that now presented itself to him. He calmed down, despite his nervousness and scratched his dark brown beard to quell his nervous ticks.

From his peripheral vision, he noticed someone approaching, but kept his head level and eyes trained at the blue-scaled wyverns in the distance.

"Sir," the man said, "All attendees are present and accounted for."

Kassar nodded, and peeled his eyes from the window. He turned around, facing downward while his hands remained clasped behind his back. After a split second of reminding himself that he needed to appear strong in front of his subjects, he lifted his head and greeted them. "Thank you all for coming." Kassar analyzed the looks plastered on their faces: fear, despair, hopelessness. The pressure coming from their looks twisted his gut, but he pushed forth. His subjects needed hope, and he was the only person capable of providing that. "As you may have heard, the Gra Valkan Empire has begun their invasion." He forced a smile, "And this is a perfect time to finally use the Americans' weapons."

The citizens of the Union knew exactly what American technology was capable of. Seeing Kassar's confidence, they began smiling too, all bolstered by his optimism.

Seeing the light return to his subjects, Kassar's fake smile turned genuine. "Generals, begin deployment of the American weapons at once. Ensure that they are spread out to prevent concentrated fire from Gra Valkan forces." He then nodded at a man dressed in a sleek, blue uniform. "Fleetmaster, you may enact your strategy. The lives of your men may be forfeit, but know that every single Gra Valkan ship that we take down – especially if it is a transport vessel – we will be able to evacuate a thousand more citizens, and fortify our positions with a hundred more soldiers."

"I will see to it, sir," The Fleetmaster bowed.

Kassar turned to administrative officials dressed in neutral colors. "Delegates, send word to the other member states. The Union military will not be able to hold for long, not without reinforcements from our members' armies. Have them deploy their men to Groun; this is the only state that has suitable beaches for landing operations."


Groun, Nigrat Union
NUS Bulwark

Situated ten miles off the coast, the Bulwark sat in the very center of the entire Union Navy, which stood at three hundred warships strong. Metal glinting in the sunlight, it was the premier ironclad vessel of the Union Navy, one of the few to exist and the most powerful of its siblings. Equipped with state-of-the-art enchanted cannons, this vessel was deadly enough to face even Mu's warships. This simple fact alone brought pride to its sailors, as well as sailors throughout the fleet.

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