Chapter 18: The Republic of Louria

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August 7, 1639

Jin Hark, Louria

Maus, Patagene, and Yamirei walked through the hallways of the castle. Several groups of workers were scattered about, cleaning blood off the walls and repairing the broken windows. Some of the groups had American contractors, who brought with them electrical tools and strange devices. Others brought long wires, placing them around the castle for an unknown purpose.

The trio headed for the throne room, where they were to meet with a group of nobles that the Americans had gathered. As they walked, they discussed the recent events. Maus broke the silence, "Say, where is General Miminel and General Pandor?"

Patagene answered, "They are still being held by the Americans and Qua Toynians. It appears their questioning is longer than ours, on account of them having more involvement on the battlefield."

"Unfortunate. I do hope they return soon; they are good men," Yamirei said.

"A lot of our men are being tried for something they call 'war crimes' or 'human rights violations'. Many of those involved with Gim have already been transferred to Qua Toynian authorities," Patagene explained.

Maus tilted his head, recalling something, "Oh, that reminds me, what happened to that creepy man, what was his name..."


"Yes, yes."

Patagene shrugged, "I heard he was caught hiding out with a local lord. The lord turned on him after discovering his identity, and he was immediately sent over to Qua Toyne. I'm fairly certain he is being tortured by the survivors of Gim as we speak."

"I see no loss there," Yamirei said. "That man was quite unsettling."

"Yes, indeed," Patagene agreed. "On the bright side, as these Americans say, Admiral Sharkun and the surviving sailors from the Great Fleet are currently on their way back here. We still have a hundred thousand sailors and three thousand warships, so we need not worry about instability or piracy."

Maus let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank the heavens! I would have resigned if I had to manage such a crisis. King Louria barely did any of the work himself! He pushed his duties onto me while he spent his days with women, or in his bath. Goodness, why is he always naked anyway?"

Patagene and Yamirei laughed. They felt free as they loosened up and complained about their previous king. However, without a designated ruler, they now had to hold a conference with the other nobles and high-ranking leaders of Louria. Guided by the Americans, the conference's purpose will be to produce a plan for Lourian governance moving forward. As they entered the throne room, they found it completely filled with tables and chairs. The tabletops were covered with wine glasses and alien, but fancy looking foods.

"I wonder what happened to that Wileman fellow," Yamirei wondered.

"Oh, I'm still here. I'll be heading out to Parpaldia in a couple weeks though. Just need to wrap some stuff up down here," a voice said behind them.

They turned around, slightly startled. "Well then, I wish you well on your endeavors. And let me say," Yamirei added, "I had my suspicions that you were a spy from the beginning."

"Oh?" Wileman asked.

"I detected no mana from you. Whereas the average person, even in this part of the world, will have at least some mana signature, you have none at all. If you are going to engage in such activities, I suggest you resolve that issue. Perhaps a small magical charm might help?"

"That's... interesting. Thanks for the advice, Sir Yamirei. I hope I'll see y'all again sometime, but I'm quite busy. Maybe in a few months when I'm on vacation, I'll visit Jin Hark."

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