Chapter 19: The Gra Valkas Empire

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August 8, 1639
Gra Valkas Empire

In a spire overlooking the beautiful industrial cityscape of the Gra Valkan capital, Ragna, a man in an authoritative trench coat stood by a window, admiring the scenery. He lifted a mug to his mouth, sipping his coffee as he took a short break. After a moment, he sighed, returning back to work. He exited his office, emerging into a chaotic, yet organized workspace full of bulky radios, electronic equipment, and busy technicians.

"Deputy Director," a technician saluted before him, holding a telegram report.

"What do you have for me, Mister Brisch?" Deputy Director Akkan asked.

"Sir, we've received the reports from our spies in the easternmost continent of Rodenius. Several hours ago, they sent a data package containing information about the new country that had turned the tide against the Lourian forces. Because these spies were situated in the capital and subjected to a local Lourian information quarantine and propaganda campaign, we haven't been able to find out about these newcomers sooner..."

Director Akkan took another sip from his mug as he pondered the news. "Hmm, that is fine," he waved his hand. "What matters is that the information arrived. Who are these newcomers?"

Brisch read the report in his hands, "The newcomers identify as a transferred nation known as the United States of America. They claim to be a mechanical nation, but the reports from our spies are quite... in the realm of fantasy, maybe even science-fiction."

Akkan set his mug down and leaned his back on a table as he grabbed the report from Brisch's hands. "Science fiction?" He began reading through the battle reports.

"Yes, sir," Brisch placed his hands behind his back as he recited the information from memory, a skill reflective of the Gra Valkas Intelligence Bureau's talent. "These Americans possess technologies similar to ours, albeit differing slightly. Their fleets are predominantly composed of what we assume are light cruisers, with few heavy cruisers and carriers in the mix. The primary armament of their naval vessels consist of a large cannon, about four to six inches in caliber. It seems that they primarily rely on their carrier-based aircraft for offensive and defensive missions, considering that their cannons are peashooters."

Akkan placed the paper down on the table and looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought. "Fascinating. I've heard rumors about the overwhelming effectiveness of naval aircraft... Of course, these were only battle simulations against the Divine Kingdom of Kain, and not actual combat. How exactly do their planes justify such a drastic difference in naval doctrine?"

"Their planes are capable of breaking the sound barrier. They employ a swept wing design and rely on some sort of propulsion at the back, rather than a propeller in the front of the plane. These planes can either be equipped with bombs — which implies that the Americans are likely familiar with the use of bombs during naval combat — or a magical weapon. The locals call it a 'homing light arrow', along with a few other variations. These arrows are capable of following hostile targets and destroying them via an internal payload."

Akkan sighed, "I was wondering when magic would become a pain in our asses. Things like this make me slightly fearful about the people of this world," he said, shaking his head. "Send this information to the Information Technology Department. Let them handle this nonsense..."

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