Chapter 59: Expansionism

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February 6, 1640
Conshal Ocean, between Mu and Central Continents
IGVN First Assault Fleet

The Grade Atlastar forcefully parted the waters ahead as it made its way toward the open ocean. The Magikareich Community's southern ports grew smaller behind them, fading over the horizon as the last few destroyers were fully refueled and resupplied. As part of a series of agreements with the Magikareich Community, the Gra Valkas Empire was allowed to use their ports. In exchange for Gra Valkan technology, the Magikareich government was more than happy to loosen ties with Mu in favor of a bond with the Gra Valkan Empire. Having enlisted the aid of several locals, the fleet was now capable of magical communication — something important for their upcoming mission.

Admiral Caesar looked back at the shrinking landmasses and lights, sighing as he reflected upon the never-ending warmongering of his superiors. Everything had to be about domination for them, this cycle of violence perpetuated by the government's massive investments into military assets. A buildup of thousands of warships, planes, and vehicles couldn't be allowed to go to waste. Adhering to this guiding principle, Emperor Gra Lux allowed these weapons — originally built to be used against the Divine Kingdom of Kain — to be unleashed upon the primitives of this new world.

For those who resist, as is the case with several puny nations inhabiting valuable land within the Conshal Islands, there would be complete subjugation. For those who accepted Gra Valkan generosity, as is the case with the Magikareich Community, there would be coexistence and mutual prosperity. For those who remain neutral, as is the case with Mu and the Holy Mirishial Empire, there would be little time to make a decision.

Already, the Department of War drafted a plan to surround the Mu continent by securing the Conshal Islands, along with the Hytal Islands to their north. Control of these territories would improve the logistical capabilities of Gra Valkan forces operating overseas. Planned invasions of the Mu continent could thus be orchestrated on multiple fronts. New bases built on the islands could harbor valuable supplies and deter reinforcements from the Central continent. These bases would also help in future Gra Valkan incursions into other territories, namely the Branchel continent — where an IGVN fleet went missing — and the Vestal continent, which was beginning to succumb to American influence.

As part of their expansionist initiative, Gra Lux demanded the vassalization of Conshal nations. All were familiar with the Gra Valkas Empire's victory over Leifor and her subjects. Most of these nations logically concluded that they couldn't fight back, giving in to Gra Valkan terms. A few however, were defiant. This was an annoyance for the administration, but Gesta's department saw these circumstances in a different light. Cielia's rival, Jakob Kurtz, saw an opportunity. Kurtz petitioned for the IGVN's most powerful battlegroup to subjugate the resisting primitives, enlisting the aid of propaganda crews. By making an example of the barbarians, he intended to scare weaker nations in the civilized regions into submission.

Desperate, the barbarians banded together into the Conshal Alliance. Led by remnants of the Leiforian Navy, the enemy fleet consisted of mostly wooden sailing ships, similar to the ones employed by Paganda. Their numbers tallied up to almost 300 warships and a small flight of 36 wyverns. In contrast, the First Assault Fleet was made of 6 battleships, 8 carriers, 24 cruisers and 50 destroyers, along with dozens of submarines and logistical vessels. It was certainly overkill, especially considering the Grade Atlaster alone was able to decimate most of the Leiforian Navy. However, the primitives weren't a deciding factor in this deployment. The Department of War wanted to permanently relocate these assets, assigning them a new home base closer to potential enemies.

Although Caesar felt remorse for the needless slaughter that was about to occur, he nevertheless carried out the emperor's will.

"Enemy vessels spotted eighty miles out! Bearing twenty degrees, relative!" A radar operator called out behind Caesar.

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