Chapter 174: Resupply

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January 14, 1641

Artticus Ocean

Carrier Strike Group 12, US Navy Seventh Fleet

USS Gerald R. Ford

Admiral Hawthorne entered the Combat Information Center with the measured pace of routine. The hum of operations filled the space, officers and crew executing their duties following the aftermath of the Fourth Conquest Fleet's retreat. With a lack of air cover, capital ships disabled, flagship crippled, and main force on the run, it was now time to clean up the seas. Today's agenda included establishing a secure line to the battered remnants of the Fourth Conquest Fleet for surrender discussions. Hawthorne didn't expect for the main force to turn back around and hoist a white flag for them, but removing the leadership and a chunk of their manpower was solid enough.

Commander Gutierrez approached, confirming the imminent readiness of the communication setup. "Encryption protocols are in place, Admiral. We'll be ready to initiate contact shortly."

Hawthorne acknowledged with a brief nod as he surveyed the final checks. The fleeing Fourth Conquest Fleet was a bit of an annoyance, but nothing that DESRON 15 and the Runepolis Fleet couldn't handle.

"Admiral, the channel to the GVS Bootes is open," announced the communication officer.

Hawthorne stepped forward. "Put me through, Lieutenant." He took a breath. "Let's conclude this matter."

Fleet Admiral Mirkenses' voice filled the room. "Admiral Hawthorne, we're at your discretion."

Her voice came as a bit of a surprise; intelligence had suspected that the Fourth Conquest Fleet was led by a female admiral, but it was still jarring to have it confirmed. It was an unusually progressive characteristic that he didn't expect out of the Gra Valkas Empire, but it likely went to show how competent Mirkenses was as an officer. And, judging from her quick surrender, it seemed that she did at least understand how futile fighting was.

"Fleet Admiral Mirkenses, your forces will stand down and disarm. Coordinates and timing for the disarmament and your formal surrender will follow," Hawthorne stated, laying out the initial terms.

Mirkenses responded without hesitation. "Understood. We will comply."

Hawthorne turned to Commander Gutierrez. "Detail the disarmament coordinates."

Gutierrez stepped forward, relaying the specifics, "Designated coordinates for disarmament have been transmitted. Disarmament commences at 1500 hours this afternoon. Ensure all weapon systems are deactivated and flagged."

Hawthorne continued, "Following disarmament, your personnel will be secured as prisoners of war. We're coordinating with our allies for the detention facilities. Expect humane treatment in line with our standard operating procedures."

The conversation shifted to logistics, with Lieutenant Commander Shukla providing the logistical framework. "Your wounded will receive immediate medical attention. A list of all personnel, including the wounded, must be provided prior to the transfer."

Mirkenses agreed, "We'll prepare the lists." A short pause followed, then a question. "What about our rescue operations?"

"Continue your operations. We'll oversee and assist as needed," Hawthorne stated.

Commander Tanaka, the staff judge advocate, then interjected with legal formalities. "We'll need your formal surrender declaration transmitted within the hour. This will include a full inventory of your assets and armaments."

"Understood," Mirkenses replied, the fate of her fleet sealed with her words.

"Maintain this secure channel open for further instructions," Hawthorne concluded, signaling for the communications officer to keep the line active.

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