Chapter 66: Leviathan

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February 20, 1640
Vestal Sea

Azure waters sparkles brilliantly under the cloudless sky, rays of light piercing the tranquil waters. The waters remained undisturbed, save for a fleet of artificial constructs pushing through the sea. Originating from a base in the Jovian Kingdom along the western shores of the Vestal continent, this fleet consisted of an entire carrier strike group. The USS Carl Vinson sailed at the helm of this mighty force, bringing with it an escort of 3 cruisers, 6 destroyers, and 2 submarines.

They sailed onward to their destination of Bushpaka Latan, undeterred by rumors of vicious sea monsters in the area. Their only concern was the reaction of the Annonrials. Several days ago, Secretary Heiden's staff sent advanced notice of their diplomatic intentions. This message was received by the Annonrials, who welcomed them to their gateway in Bushpaka Latan. Despite this welcoming response, the Americans remained on their heels, fearful of an ambush.

Unlike the civilized nations of modern-day Earth, the nations of Elysia had no internationally recognized rules of warfare. If the Mirishials were to be believed — a case made more likely due to evidence of Annonrial-Ravernal relations — then it was possible that these isolationists could strike at any moment. It was clear to the Americans that the Annonrials had no reason to interact with the rest of the world, and they could've certainly conquered Elysia if they wanted to. Yet, a burning question lingered: why didn't they? Uncertainty involving these mysterious winged people led the United States to reluctantly send a delegation, to talk with the Annonrials about their goals.

Secretary Heiden smiled in a carefree manner as he walked around the USS Carl Vinson, enjoying the warm equatorial sun shining down upon him. He stood alone above decks, watching the carrier's wake while sailors conducted routine maintenance on the planes behind him. He meditated peacefully, enjoying the unusually cool weather while admiring the open sea. The brief silence was then interrupted by a set of footsteps approaching from behind him.

"Mister Secretary," a soft, feminine voice said.

"Here to enjoy the view, Emily?" Heiden looked over at the tall, suited blonde.

"Sir, we're nearing manacomm range. We should go back inside in case the Annonrials want to talk to us."

The name caused him to frown, reminding him of his upcoming worries. He took a deep breath, inhaling the salty ocean air before turning around and walking with his assistant. "Well, that was a good five or so minutes of relaxation," he groaned as he stretched.

"Sir," Emily looked up at Heiden with concern, "I know this isn't my place to ask, but..." She looked down at the deck floor then back at Heiden, "Couldn't we have talked to them using a long-range manacomm like we did when we informed them of our visit? I have a bad feeling about seeing them in person."

Her worries completely resonated with Heiden, who had a sinking feeling in his gut. "Yeah," he looked off into the distance, pausing before stepping indoors with Emily. "I wish we could've done so too, but we need answers now. We need to know what these Annonrials are up to, and we need to let them know we mean business," he said, referring to the fleet's firepower. "Still, I can't shake the feeling that —"

Heiden's sentence was cut off by a series of blaring alarms that erupted across the fleet. He winced from the noise, looking around as a voice came through the intercom, "General Quarters! All hands to battle stations! Material condition 'Megalodon'!"

While the admiral continued issuing orders, Emily shook a stunned Heiden's arm. "Sir, what's going on?"

Heiden was snapped back to reality. "Shit, we have to get inside. If I recall correctly, material condition 'Megalodon' is the code for sea monsters. Let's get to the bridge. It should be safe there."

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