Chapter 87: Piece of the Puzzle

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April 26, 1640
Lean Know Forest, Qua Toyne

Exotic avian species sang tunes from the treetops, mimicking the joyful sunlight radiance that pierced through the forest's canopy. Their chirps resonated well with the wind that flowed through the hollowed branches the birds sat upon, adding to the joyful ambience of the environment. The eternal harmonization was then interrupted for the first time in decades by the alien sounds of branches snapping and human chatter.

"This is as far as I shall go, Emissaries. Guardians Mina and Wol shall meet you here shortly," a voice came from the ground level.

As the guide left, the group kept their voices low out of respect for the beautiful, sacred place. They admired the natural excellence of the forest, which seemed more perfect than even the Qua-Toynian agricultural fields. Amidst their wonder, they failed to notice the appearance of Guardians Mina and Wol.

The female elf called out. "Doctor Jackson?"

"Ah!" The archaeologist jumped backward, startled. "Oh goodness, my apologies. I didn't see you there," he gave a nervous smile. "Yes, that's me. Doctor Gabriel Jackson, nice to meet you," he offered a hand to the elven duo.

Mina and Wol stared at the hand blankly, unfamiliar with American customs. Instead, Mina simply introduced herself. "I am Guardian Mina, and this is Guardian Wol," she said, gesturingto the man beside her with an elegant motion of her hand. "We have been instructed to guide you to the inner sanctum of the Sacred Forest. There resides a clearing where we have maintained for centuries a preservation spell on an Emissary artifact. Please, follow us."

Doctor Jackson led his team, walking closely behind the Guardians. They struck up conversation, curious about the forest's history. "I remember reading texts that describe this forest as the last bastion of the Alliance, but what makes this place sacred, exactly?" Jackson asked.

Wol explained, "This forest was home to the goddess of the elves, whose name was sacrificed in order to save the few survivors of the intelligent races. We were pushed to the brink of extinction, backs cornered. The rest of the world, along with the western shores of the Rodenius continent, had fallen. Our ancestors were all that remained: thousands of soldiers and not more than half a million refugees. With everything at stake, the Alliance decided to risk everything on a last resort, forsaking the deployment of elves as support mages and instead sending them on a monumental task. Valiant heroes defended our elven ancestors while they prayed to our goddess, seeking aid. She answered. Of course, what is the point of creating something and loving it, only to allow it to be destroyed by evil? She told the elven mages that she would summon the Emissaries of the Star God, saviors who would annihilate the demons that plagued the world. And with a burst of light, she did. Unfortunately, interference on this scale was prohibited by the gods, and so she was punished. The moment her light blessed our skin, everyone had forgotten her name. Her name may have been lost to us, but we continue to honor her legacy here in this forest."

Jackson felt moved by the touching story; a tale of love and sacrifice. "That's very honorable of you to do that," he said, following the elves past an ancient warehouse-like structure that seemed incredibly out of place.

"Indeed," Mina said. "We still hold faith that one day, her punishment will end and we may be united with her once more." She guided the Americans through an ornate set of stone rings, emerging into a clearing with the fabled artifact sitting in the center, metallic sheets and glass canopy shining under the bright Elysian sun. "We have arrived," she informed the Emissaries, whose jaws had all dropped.

"Are you well?" Wol asked.

Dizzy from the surprising revelation, Jackson barely managed to nod. He stammered out, "Wh- What is that? Is that the artifact?"

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