Chapter 107: Warning

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August 1, 1640
Conshal Ocean
Seehund-class Fleet Submarine, GVS Niflheim

"Sir!" A hoarse voice called out, loudly echoing throughout the submarine's cramped corridors.

The submarine's captain rubbed his bleary eyes and scratched his rather unkempt beard. "What is it?" He asked, sipping some coffee.

"Passive sonar's picked up a contact! A large one at that!" The sonar operator announced. "Bearing 60 degrees, six miles out and closing!"

The captain immediately became alert, the threat of battle shaking away all the grogginess in his system. "Can you identify the contact?"

"Unable to identify the contact, sir! Sound signature does not match anything in our library!"

Curious, the captain considered surfacing. Following procedure in accordance with his mission, he asked for confirmation of another condition, "Are there any other contacts in the vicinity?"

The sonar operator listened closely to his equipment, seeing no other changes aside from the large vessel closing in on them. "Nothing in our line of sight, although I cannot hear anything behind the contact."

The submarine's second in command brushed his uniform against the captain's as he walked up to him. "Recommend we wait until the ship passes by before surfacing, sir."

The captain agreed with this reasoning, but still continued to prepare for battle. "Battle stations! All hands, man your battle stations!"

Faced with increasing Mirishial activity in the Conshal Ocean, the Gra Valkas Empire dispatched submarine fleets to maintain maritime security in their new colonies and deter potential aggressors. Some submarines were even given special orders: to sink lone enemy ships in a bid to damage the enemy war machine as much as possible. The Gra Valkans knew that the EDI had little concept of submarine warfare, and would therefore have great difficulty pinpointing an attack to the Gra Valkans if a lone ship was sunk, or if a small group of ships were annihilated simultaneously.

One such recipient of these orders was Captain Donitz, who now stood anxiously, peering over the sonar operator's shoulder. He contemplated what the contact could be. The contact's large profile suggested that it was a warship belonging to either the Mirishials or the Americans, as these were the only factions who could have sent such a massive construct to these waters. Considering the fact that most of the Mirishial profiles had been recorded, he entertained the possibility of the ship being of a new class, perhaps the frightening Orichalcum-class that debuted during the World Leadership Conference. If it was, then the Gra Valkan brass was sure to appreciate the sinking of the Holy Mirishial Empire's most valuable asset.

Alternatively, the beast above could belong to the Americans, in which case Donitz had the possibility of chipping away at their military prowess without fear of retribution. He knew that the Americans possessed anti-submarine capabilities, but he had confidence in his wolfpack of submarines. There was simply no way a single ship could escape, much less defeat a hungry pack of 6 submarines — especially not at knife-fighting distance.

As soon as the ship passed overhead, the sonar operator provided an update, "There's one more contact trailing behind the first one. Seems to be an Arleigh-Burke; one of the American destroyers."

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