Chapter 70 - I can only understand

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Sakshi pov :

Am I dead?

The last hope I had... I never thought he would come.. But like always he came..

My protector..

I slowly opened my eyes,  shaking my fingers.

"Doctor she is awake! "

I heard the voice.. Who is sitting beside me?

I saw everything in blur.. A person was beside me but I can't see him clearly.

I shut my eyes again and opened,  blinking, so I could see clearly.

"Princess? " A voice said.

I looked at the person,  It was Aryan Bhai.

I glanced at the surrounding, White walls,  white blanket,  white covers,...
Why is everything white?

What the heck!

How did I reach here!

I tried to sit but was unable, Aryan Bhai helped me to sit.

"Slowly princess " He said, and kept the pillow behind my back.

"Thank God you woke up! " He said with a relief.

"Yeah.. I had to.. What are you doing here? " I asked.

"Well,  Wild Kitty.. That is our question.. What were you doing there? " A voice said.

And this voice,  I know it very well!


"It's none of your business " I said rudely.

"Well It is,  because You are our sister,  and How did you even think that you will be able to play this game for so long! " He said.

Game for long?

What is he talking about?

I looked at him,  and he shook his head,  I then glanced at Aryan Bhai, he too crossed his hands and nodded.

Oh shit!

That means they knew it!

"That means everyone knows about this now? " I asked.

"Yes.. Princess.. Everyone knows it...." He said.

I f**ked up!

"That mean.. means he knows it too..?" I asked.

"Yes.. And he is very much dissapointed with your reckless behavior " Aryan said.

"Wild kitty you f*cked up! " Aarav mocked.

I will surely kill him someday!

"Just shut up,  I am already stressed! " I snapped.

I have to think something!

Fast Sakshi..

Think fast!

The door opened and doctor came and checked me one last time.

I am good!

I don't any check up!

I was glaring at the doctor,  as he was checking my leg, I didn't got hurt on my leg,  I got in on my forearm!

Idiot doctor!.

"Princess and Aarav don't scare him! "
Bhai said.

Oh so Aarav was glaring at him too,  that is the reason the doctor was having scared like sh*t look.

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