Chapter 62: Together

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You look at the group's shocked faces.

"What?!" Tony says, looking at you shocked. "We just apologize," he said seriously, gesturing to the group.

"I know," you said, "and I appreciate that, but that does not mean I have to forgive you," you said looking at him coldly. "You hurt me," you said, looking him in the eyes and then looking at the rest of the group, "you all did, and that is not something I can easily forgive." You looked at Tony again. "I understand why you did it, but that does not mean I forgive it."

You looked at the group. "It does not mean that I will never forgive you, but I am still hurting right now," you said seriously, putting your hands over your heart and closing your eyes. "And I think I need to get away from everything right now."

"You can't just leave!" Tony said seriously, you looked up at him with a slight glare. "What? Gonna keep me as a prisoner?" You asked him coldly, making him step back again.

"No, but you don't have any real documentation." Nat pointed out. "Only the ones provided by S.H.I.E.L.D. so you can't just leave."

You looked over at her. "That only applies if I get caught or go somewhere they are checking for it," you told her seriously.

"I'm telling you, kid, there is nowhere you can hide where S.H.I.E.L.D. can't find you," Bruce said, rubbing his arm. "Believe me I tried!"

"I'm not trying to hide," you said seriously, looking at the group, "I'm not running away, I'm just leaving." You were an adult with rights.

Steve shook his head looking at you worried. "Please don't jump into a rash decision because of this."

"I'm not trying to run away and never come back Steve," you said looking at him with a frown, "but I can't stay here." You look at the people around you. "I just... I need some space."

Thor put a hand on your shoulder. "Perhaps we should all just retire for the night," he said seriously, "talk more about this in the morning."

The other people were nodding, sighing with a kind of relief at Thor's suggestion. But you knew that talking would make no difference right now. But then you saw Thor give you a wink and a precise look toward Loki, you understood.

"Alright," you said, giving a fake yawn and turning back to the stairs. "I would like to be left alone for tonight," you said, but also gave Loki a look that told him that did not include him.

Before you went up to your room, you look at Peter. He had not joined either group and looks like he has been crying which breaks your heart. So you went over and hugged him, whispering to him: "I forgive you." Loki had told you what he did after all. He hugged you again, fresh tears in his eyes. "Thank you."

You went up to your room and freshened up a bit, looking at yourself in the mirror and checking with yourself if this was what you really wanted. If this was really what you needed.

And you could feel it was. You needed space away from all of this, call it a vacation or break, whatever it was you needed it badly.

You hear the very faint knock on your door and went over and open it up, smiling up at Loki as he enters. "Thank you," you said as you hugged him, blushing slightly. "When I say I need space I don't mean from you." You felt like you had to clarify.

He tilted your head up and kissed your forehead. "Are you sure?" He asked, looking into your eyes with a serious expression. "If you did need a break from me as well I would understand," he said seriously. But you shook your head and hugged him closer. "I need you to stay beside me."

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