Chapter 7: New World

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"WHAT?!" You jump up from the couch. Staring at him like he might be mad. HE BETTER BE MAD! "What do you mean another world?" You ask while you start shaking, really not liking where this is going.

Mr. Stark sighs as he gets up, fixing his clothing. "A machine built by Hydra was activated recently, it was designed to make a rift in the multiverse to grab an artifact from another world and bring it to ours," He told you like it was no big deal.

Your legs were moving on their own, backing away from him, making you end up behind the couch and back toward the wall.

He is not even looking at you as he explains at this point. "We traced the signal from the rift and found the bunker where the artifact was supposed to have been transported to, but there was nothing there"

His voice is sounding very far away as your back hits the wall, your heart is beating like drums in your ears, and there is a weird high pitch noise you can't place. You don't want to hear him! You don't want to believe him! But your brain is telling you that this is important, you have to listen to him.

He presses something on his bracelet, opening an honest to god hologram screen over it. You would have been impressed if you were not freaking out.

"There is evidence that the artifact indeed did go to the place, but that there was also a person who got dragged along with it," He says and is finally looking at you. "A person who got dragged along with it to our world"

You are sliding down the wall, tears rushing down your cheeks as you stare at him with horror... He has to be crazy, he has to be lying, he has to be....

You remember looking at the sky, you remember that sudden bright light, you remember feeling like it was grabbing you, like you were flying, and you remember hitting the ground before being knocked out.

The high-pitched noises are getting louder, and you are realizing it is yourself making the noise, whining hysterically.

"What did you do Tony!?" You hear a voice call out angrily, but you can't put a face to it. You are grabbing your head, eyes staring at your knees as you hyperventilate. You are having a full-on panic attack

"I told her the truth! She has to know!" Tony is saying, mostly defending himself but you can hear a bit of worry in his voice.

"You could have done it more gently" A female voice is saying, scolding Tony "Look at her!"

"Hey!" a voice says close by, a firm but gentle hand landing on your shoulder "Hold on! I got you, just breathe" You look up into the light blue eyes watching you "It's ok, look at me," He says, rubbing your shoulder and demonstrating his own breathing. "Breath in... And out..."

You try to copy his breathing, tears still rushing down your cheeks. They have a gentle expression full of understanding. "I know what it's like, just take deep breaths, you got this"

Another hand touches your cheek and your eyes slide over to a pair of green eyes framed by red hair looking at you gently. She is stroking your cheek, wiping away the tears, and smiling gently. "He is right, you got this. Just try to breathe"

You keep taking deep breaths, calming down, but also getting dizzy, this is just way too much.

"I didn't mean to give the kid a panic attack!" Tony defends himself and the red-haired woman glares up at him.

You hear the male speak your name and focus on him again, he is smiling at you. "I have been there okay?" He says to you seriously "I too woke up in... Well not fully another world but close enough okay?" He looks you in the eyes. "We'll get this sorted out, don't worry, I'll stay here okay? Try to breathe"

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