Chapter 14: New home

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You were finally on the last stretch of the money and decided to use it to thank everyone for the best shopping experience of your life. So you treated everyone to lunch.

You all went to the food court. Nat had warned you earlier that if you were planning on treating everyone to any kind of food, you would need to pick a place with a buffet and call in advance. Not knowing the shopping mall well enough you had let Nat take care of the reservation. And so when lunchtime arrived you followed her as she went into one of the restaurants.

It was completely empty of other customers and your first thought it was for security reasons like with the other stores, but you quickly realized that was not the only reason. The buffet was filled with even more food than normal.

Apparently, the bottom of Thor's stomach was a black hole.

Steve and Bucky also had an endless appetite, you were told by Nat it had something to do with how many calories they needed to keep their bodies running.

Loki also ordered a lot of food, but while the other boys were eating like they had not eaten in weeks, Thor kind of reminded you of a wild animal with how he ate, Loki was much more refined in his eating.

He was not eating everything with a fork and knife fancy, but more that he kept his plate clean, used napkins, didn't slurp his drink, and kept his eating area relatively in order.

Honestly, Nat and Clint were the ones eating the least, you only saw them get two plates each while the other boys seemed to be in a competition about who could stack the most plates on their table. Steve, Bucky, and Thor sitting by one table while you sat with Nat, Clint, and Loki.

And while you were not on Bucky and Steve's level, and nowhere near Thor, you too ate a lot. You told Nat when she raised an eyebrow at your third plate that you always had a high metabolism, you had never thought anyone ate as much as you before today.

All in all, you had an amazing day.


You came back to the tower rather exhausted, Nat leading you to a couch in a big room that seemed to be the group common area, having a lot of space and different kinds of activities far enough apart to not distract each other, but not so far you had to shout to talk to someone at the other end of the room.

Nat had told you to take your shoes off while she got something to drink, so you were currently rubbing them, trying to get the feeling back in your toes. You have always been used to walking a lot, but damn today had been exhausting.

Everyone was here again, your group being the last to join.

Loki and Thor went to Vision, Wanda, and Pietro by the small bar area, Loki leaning on the counter to talk with Wanda. Vis was behind Wanda and just listening, while Thor grabbed a ball to play catch with Pietro.

The room was big enough for it, but your eyes still widened as Thor threw the ball. He did so with so much strength and speed that your eyes could barely follow. And yet Pietro caught it. How you had no idea! Had he not been standing next to Thor when the ball got thrown? And yet he had somehow caught it on the other end of the room!

He threw the ball back to Thor, who caught it without a problem before he threw it in a completely new direction, but once again Pietro caught it, somehow teleporting around.

You realized suddenly he was not teleporting, he was just super fast! When Thor had thrown a ball a bit faster, Pietro had to move past the table Peter was sitting by. Peter had papers laying around on the table, working on something when the wind rush from Pietro running by so quickly made them fly off the table.

"HEY!" He complained loudly! Jumping up and quickly catching the papers before they reach the ground. He had quick reflexes. Pietro mumbled a sorry as he caught the ball again.

Dr. Strange was back. You have been told that while he had a room in the tower, but he was not really using it. Apparently, he was not an 'official part of The Avengers' but had his own job and house and all. He was gonna spend more time here for a while though, because the artifact had to stay here until they were fully sure what it was, and he was gonna stay close to it.

He was currently talking with Tony and Bruce, probably about the artifact and what they had learned. If you were still not resting your feet you would have gone over and listened. You were, after all, curious too!

Bucky went to Sam right away, the two of them sitting by a big TV with a console, setting up to play some racing games. You noticed that there were several broken controllers in the bin by the tv and made a mental note of it. You expected game rage was to blame.

Nat returned with Clint and some glasses and different drinks. You thanked them, downing the first glass of juice with no pause before pouring another one.

"May I?" Clint asked, having noticed you were rubbing your feet before and you gave him a weird look. "... You don't have something like a foot fetish do you?" You ask, earning a laugh from Nat who leaned back on the couch "Don't worry, it's not like that" She insured you "Trust me, you wanna say yes"

You shrugged and gave Clint a nod, moving so you were leaning against a pillow as he moved your legs so your feet were in his lap. And then he started giving you a foot massage and oh god Nat had been right, he was really good at this.

Nat laughed at your expression "He does the same thing for me sometimes" She explained, sipping her drink "Apparently learned it taking care of his wife"

He nodded, giving Nat a wink, and did something that almost made you moan, but didn't. Holy shit that felt good! You laid down more, your head ending in Nat's lap.

Before you could be embarrassed she stroked your hair and just started talking with Clint. You had a slight blush and just closed your eyes, thankful that everyone here was apparently already comfortable enough with you to do stuff like this.


"So what am I supposed to do now?" You asked Tony around dinner time, Steve had dragged him and Bruce away from the lab. Talking about them needing to eat real food.

Tony looked up from a small project he grabbed on his way out that he was still fidgeting with. "What do you mean?" He asked confusedly, tilting his head.

"I mean I can't just sit in the tower all day doing nothing!" You explained, giving him a slight frown.

"... Why not?" He asks, going back to working on the project.

That startled you a bit. "Well because I don't pay for anything here!" You said, not like being a freeloader!

"You don't have any money" Tony reminds you, shrugging "If you feel bad remember that we are stealing your necklace, and it's worth a lot, so take that as you having paid for everything"

"But I still wanna do stuff!" You insisted "I could... I don't know, water the houseplants or something?!" You could not just sit in your room all day!

"Friday takes care of all that stuff," He says, waving a hand "Take it like a vacation kid, you don't need to work"

You gave him a sigh and leaned against the table. "... I'll get bored" You finally admitted.

At that, he looked up. As a man who constantly had to work on something he would get that. "... I'll make sure to give you stuff to do," He said, looking down at his project "Fun things, you are not working" He clarified "But from what Pepper told me it sounds like you have a lot of stuff in your room to keep you entertained until I think of something"

At this point, you had met Pepper, Tony's partner and you had learned of Friday was an AI that was like Tony's personal assistant. Her software was installed in the whole tower, controlling simple stuff like lights and doors, and more complicated stuff like vacuum cleaners and water machines.

"Thank you," You told him, giving him a warm smile, which he returned.

And so you settled into your new home in the tower.

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