Chapter 53: Hospital

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Loki was walking around in his lounge, he really did not leave his room much, and having the title of the 'black sheep' of the Avengers did not make him very social.

Honestly, before you came along he only really came out for missions or when forced.

He had always told himself he was fine with the solitude, he was used to it. Black sheep of the Asgardian family, black sheep of the Avengers, what was the difference? Always compared to his brother, only remembered for what he has done wrong, always a monster...

"I don't see a monster."

Your words are still in his mind... You had seen him, the REAL him, the him he himself could not even bear to look at in the mirror. The one that confirmed him to be a freak, a monster, a frost giant, a jotun, a-

"It's beautiful."

He had scoffed at you when you said it, but even before you explained to him, he knew.... He knew you had meant it.

You find him beautiful, no matter what form he has taken.... And somehow always knows it's him.... As you see him, always see him.

With you, he never felt like he was in the shadows, that he was invisible, that he was a monster.

He felt... Like he was himself, and you saw him.

He is waiting for you to get back to the compound, back 'home' as most of the others would say, but this place had never felt like home to him, no place ever really had.... Not before you came.

He had found himself being more social, going out into the other areas more, in the start just because something new was here, then because you intrigued him, and then to be with you, even if he was not actively doing stuff with you, just being in the same room as you brought more colors to his world.

He walked toward the door, into the rest of the compound, he knew you were not back yet, but he had been finding himself also going out just to be with the others at this point.

You really were a bad influence on him!

And so he walked out, looking for the others to see what they were doing, what he could entertain himself with before you got back with the others.

But he did not get very far before his steps slowed to a stop.

"Somethings wrong..." He whispered, his eyes narrowing. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew, something was wrong.

The air was stiff with it, not to a point where Loki felt like he was about to be attacked, but something about it still put his body into defense mode. Like he was expecting to be hit at any moment, but he could not understand why.

And then he heard it, and his legs started moving fast.

"LOKI?" His brother calling for him louder than he ever heard before, but not in anger like Loki had been caught doing something bad, not in joy like Thor had some good news to share, no, this... This was distressing.

For a moment he was a kid again, running through the palace halls toward the same sound he heard, it was so rare that he knew it was serious, and that he needed to heed the call right away.

Something was very wrong, and somehow Loki knew it had to do with you.


You don't understand where you are, but you are surrounded by Hydra agents. You can't move, your body is not responding like it's supposed to as they shoot something into you, making you scream in pain as the fire-like sensation crashes all through you. But you can't hear your scream, you instead hear the sound of glass scraping against the glass, and you can't even move your hands enough to cover your ears.

The Tear of Celesteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें