Chapter 6: Interrogation

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Mr. Stark leads you to a dark, but comfy room. It had no windows and mostly looked to be a break room. It had a small kitchen in one corner, a table with 4 chairs against one wall, some filing cabinets in the other corner, and in the middle of the room two couches facing each other with a coffee table between them.

He gestured for you to sit down while he walked over to the kitchen area. "Coffee?" He asked, looking over at you "I would offer you something stronger if they had that here, but sadly they don't"

You sit down on the couch, rubbing your arm slightly to try and get the goosebumps there to settle down. "No thanks," You don't think caffeine is a good idea right now.

He just shrugs and starts prepping the machine up to make himself a cup, mumbling something about cheap coffee.

There is a moment of silence while he starts the machine up. He leans against the counter and looks at you intrigued. "What did you say your name was again?"

You swallow loudly and rub your hands together, giving him your full name and looking at him worried. He does not look at you like you are in trouble, but you still have a bad feeling about all of this.

He nods and looks at the coffee machine as it's working. "And where are you from?"

You tell him the name of the town you live in. He does not need the name of the landmark before he nods. "Did you grow up there?"

You frown as you realize what this is... He is interrogating you but in a nice way. "No, I move around a lot," You tell him, telling him about the town you grew up in.

Before he can ask another question there is a knock on the door. He quickly walks over and opens letting one of those people in suits in long enough to put two bags on the coffee table before walking off. "I ordered us some food," He said as he grabbed his cup of coffee and walked over to the couch.

You recognized the logo on the bag and your stomach growled loudly. Fast food!

You didn't even care that you were being interrogated anymore! You just wanted some over-salted fries and a way too-greasy burger right now!

You quickly grabbed a cheeseburger and started tearing into it. Oh, you missed this taste! You almost got tears in your eyes. Tony watched you, drinking his coffee slowly "I thought you might miss the taste of an American cheeseburger"

You look up at him a bit shocked.... He probably didn't bring a cheeseburger all the way from America to here, but he might have made someone make it like one. That's surprisingly sweet.

"Mr. Stark," You say as you finish your burger and move on to the fries. "What is going on?" You look up with new determination in your eyes. He was questioning you, but you wanted answers too.

It is very clear he is about to give you some bullshit story, probably stalling, but when he looks up and sees the pleading look in your eyes, he stops. You can see the mask he had on, the one of 'everything is fine,' fall off his face as he sighs and leans back.

"I need to ask you some more questions kid," He says seriously "Make sure of some things and then I tell you okay?" He is asking you to trust him.

Well, he did save you, so you nod, taking a sip of your soda and leaning back, ready for this interrogation, hoping his questions will help you understand what is going on. Even if he said he would tell you, you have a feeling it's gonna be a bombshell, so guessing some of it might help you.

First, he asks you about what you remembered about coming here, what you did when you woke up, what you had been doing before, the same questions you had gotten when you first came to the embassy, you answered them all the same, with the truth.

Then he asked you something strange.

"Who is the president of the United States?" He starts. You look at him a little startled, sitting up straight again. Why would he ask you that? He just gestures for you to answer and you answer.

You see him give a slight frown and you have to ask. "Do you think I'm a spy or something?!" Seriously? What kind of question was that?! But he holds up a hand to you "Please, I promise to tell you what is going on after you answer all my questions"

You give him a frown, but lean back again, gesturing for him to continue.

He asks you lots of questions like that, questions that everyone should know the answer to, or at least have a good idea about. Who is the ruler of England? How many states are there? How many continents? You answer them all to the best of your ability, thinking maybe he is checking if you are mentally well.

He then moves on to dates, asking you about certain historical events, those are a bit harder. Sometimes you have to try and remember what was special about certain dates. Dates like July 4, December 25, and other recurring dates. And dates like September the first 1939 and September the second 1945, the start and end of world war 2, and other dates that have historical significance.

"What happened on May 4 in 2012," He asks you with a serious look and you sigh as you lean forward and rub your temples. He has been throwing all these questions at you like rapid fire, as soon as you answer, he asks the next one. It feels a lot like a stress test, except that he is giving you time to think about your answer, and lets you ask questions if needed.

This one you need help with too. "Where?" You ask, hoping that knowing a bit more about the location will jog your memory.

He frowns more, you noticed he had done that a couple of times when you gave him some answers, but he never told you why, just went on to the next question. "New York" he simply says.

You look at him surprised and try to think, you don't remember anything major going on in New York around that time, you look to your side trying to think, maybe a sporting event or something? "How major?"

"World news major," He says seriously, somehow looking at you very seriously, even though he has those weird sunglasses on! As you look back at him you suddenly have a feeling those are not normal sunglasses, seeing some kind of light behind them, but you decide not to comment.

"World news?" You say, a bit shocked, and try to think "... Sorry I really can't think of anything!" You tell him.

He frowns, normally at this point he would have moved on to the next question, it's not the first thing you could not answer after all, but he keeps pressing. "You don't remember anything about New York being attacked?"

You jump up surprised. "ATTACKED?!" You asked shocked! No! You don't remember anything like that! What is he talking about?!

Mr. Stark bows his head like your reaction had confirmed some fear he had and he gestures for you to sit down again.

You do and stare at him, waiting for him to explain.

"Do you know-" He looks up again, and upon seeing your expression holds up his hands in a defensive way "Wow wow! These are the last ones I promise!"

You nodded slowly and looked at him with serious eyes, your patient is running out. You want to know what is going on, and you want to know now!

"Do you know Stark Industries?" He asks, you shake your head, you are beyond trying to guess, and verbally answering. You just want to get to him explaining the situation.

"Have you heard of Captain America?" Another head shake.

"Have you heard of S.H.I.E.L.D or the Avengers?" Another head shake.

"Have you heard of Hydra?" You frown at that one "The mythical creature yes, other than that no"

He nods as if you have just confirmed his theory and sighs. "I'm sorry kid"

You feel a chill run down your spine, and ask through your teeth. Your patient is fully used up.

"Mr. Stark" You hiss at him, forcing him to maintain eye contact with you. "What is going on"

He looks you in the eyes as he answers. "K-" He clears his throat and uses your name instead. ".... I'm sorry to tell you that you didn't just get kidnapped across the country, you are in a whole other world"

.... What?

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