Chapter 3: Embassy

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How the FUCK did you get to Germany without your passport!

You had no ID on you, nothing to prove who you were or where you came from. It should have been impossible for you to travel cross country. Not just cross country, cross-continent!

So right now you were sitting in a not-so-comfortable chair in an office while the person behind the desk was trying to look you up and find out how you had gotten into Germany.

You were at the American embassy in Germany, the only logical place to go, and you were hoping very much you would be able to go home soon. Yes, you wandered a lot, but you were NOT ready to wander to Germany just yet! Even more so without anything you owned!

Yes, your whole life could be put in one suitcase! But you still HAD that suitcase!

Now you only had what you had woken up with, your light blue jeans that probably needed mending soon, no holes having cracked open yet, but it was just a matter of time.

Your T-shirt, the dark blue one with shooting stars printed on the front. It seemed so fitting to put on with where you were going.

Your black socks and sneakers are both worn out a lot from all your wandering.

Your necklace, the one with the crystal star pendant that always felt warm against your collarbone.

And your watch, which was not really a watch, but rather a compass hidden to look like a watch. It had somehow broken sometime between stargazing and Germany, luckily you had not needed it to get out of the forest.

And that was it! No phone, no wallet, no ID, no passport, nothing. You didn't even have a jacket or hoodie! You never really felt cold, so you didn't bother with them a lot, but it still would be better than nothing right now.

You wake up from your zoning out, realizing the person behind the desk has been calling your name for a bit. "Yes? Sorry!" You say, looking up with big eyes.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I can't find any evidence of your travel here!" He said with a frown, it was hard to track someone when they were not traveling by passport. "We have set up a room for you while we figure this out," He told you, holding up a keycard.

You felt your shoulders slouch, feeling defeated again, but at least you can lay down and rest for a bit while you let the official people figure out what happened to you!

You reach for the keycard when suddenly the door behind you swings open, making you jump slightly and look behind you.

A guy, who for some unknown reason is wearing sunglasses INSIDE a building, is looking rather frustrated as he walks in.

"Mr. Stark you can't just barge in here and-" The official behind the desk begins complaining.

"I am in a bit of a hurry and you are the only one in right now," The tall man says as he walks up beside your chair, glancing down at you from behind his glasses "Sorry kid"

You are not a kid, but he is clearly older than you, so you let it slide.

"Even the great Iron Man himself is not above regulations!" The man behind the desk huffs. Mr. Stark looking offended at that comment responded with: "I was sent here way too early in the morning, I have not even had coffee yet, so I need this done now"

Iron Man? Probably a sports star or something! You just shyly reach for the keycard, wanting to be on your way already. The man gives it to you and gives you an apologetic look.

You just shrugged, celebrities can be eye-rolling and demanding sometimes, and you quickly make your way out of the room.

You don't make it far, still studying the keycard and the map in the hallway to try to figure out where you need to go when Mr. Stark walks out of the office again.

The Tear of CelesteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora