Chapter 9: Everyone's here

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You take your time up in your room, taking a shower first to get clean and then a bath just for the soothing effect of the warm water surrounding your body.

The bathtub is big enough for you to float in, and that is one of your favorite feelings in the world! Feeling weightless and surrounded by warmth. It makes you feel safe and at ease.

You don't stay too long though, promising yourself to take another bath in the near future, but Nat had said there would be dinner and to expect to meet some more people.

You dried yourself off, blow-drying your hair as you already used a lot of time in the bath and didn't want to keep the others waiting.

As you got out you found a couple of outfits waiting for you on your bed, with a note from Nat telling you there are also some pajamas for later by the pillow. You walked over and decided to put on the simple dark blue dress. It fitted you surprisingly well! You wondered how Nat knew your size.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. The dress was in a soft fabric that felt nice against your skin, showing off your shoulder before having a short edge around the top that also acted like sleeves. The skirt part had an underlayer to give it more volume and went to just below your knees and you noticed the shooting star pattern it had on it that would glitter ever so slightly as you twirled a little.

Your face lit up from the warm smile you now had. Nat not only got a dress that fitted you perfectly but also one that matched your love for stars. She was amazing!

Before you leave your room you go over to the window. It's dark out now and you are up so high that you can look out across the whole city. It's an amazing view! Not as good as some night skies you have seen, but close.

You then walk out of your room and walk down the hallway past the other rooms.

This floor along with a couple of others seemed to have been made into a dormitory-like space. Everyone gets their own room and then there are some common areas.

You walk down the stairs that lead to one of those common rooms, which has a kitchen and dining area.

You pause, halfway down the steps, a hand on the railing, and looks at the group gathered there.

Seems the rest of the Avengers has come to pay a visit.

You recognize Mr. Stark, Steve, Nat, and now also Mr. Banner, but the rest are people you don't recognize.

The first person you take notice of is a young-looking guy. He looks like you would need to see some ID if he tried to buy alcohol.

You noticed him first because he was standing beside Mr. Stark, seemingly following him around. Like Tony was the only one here he was comfortable with.

The person that Mr. Stark was talking to kinda looked like him, same hair color, same facial hair, and something about their faces made them look related. He was dressed a bit fancier, but you quickly noticed what it was that truly made them look so alike. They both had an aura of arrogance like they both thought they were the best person in the room without a doubt.

You noticed Steve was talking with two other guys, one with short hair who was wearing gloves for some reason, and another who had some kind of red sunglasses on. The three of them looked like a team on their own. They were all dressed casually too.

Nat was talking with a pretty average-looking dude, but they seemed to be close, the kind of friendship you only see after years of hanging out together.

And then there were the two talking with Mr. Banner, they were somehow both standing out among the group like you could tell they were something else.

The sun and the moon.

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