Chapter 29: Side Effects

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"I really don't think I did anything," you tell the group that is observing you.

Because of the Hydra attack, you had all quickly moved to the Avenger compound instead, and you were currently outside for some testing.

The whole team is outside with you, apparently to test some theory of theirs.

"Just humor us, kid," Tony calls out to you. They are all standing by some machines they all brought outside. You are standing further away, besides Thor.

"I really don't understand what you want me to do!" You called back, looking at Thor too, rather confused about what was going on.

Thor holds up his hammer and summons a lightning strike to hit a metal pole that is hooked up to the equipment. You cover your ears as the thunder was quite loud, noting that he was indeed a god of thunder.

Bruce is standing by the machines with Tony, both of them managing them. "Reading looks normal," he called out to the others.

"Alright Point Break, try with the kid now," Tony said, gesturing it to Thor. You have a feeling you are never going to make him stop calling you that.

Thor swipes you up in a fluid motion. "Up you go!" Holding you as he had before in the hall, hugging you tight to his body. Now that no people were shooting at you the gesture made you blush.

Thor holds up his hammer again and you close your eyes and cover your ears as another lightning strike hits the pole.

"Still normal," Bruce calls out as you uncover your ears.

You look over at Tony, sticking your tongue out. "Told you so!" You really could not understand why they suddenly wanted to do these weird tests.

Steve thought about that, glancing over at Pietro who just shrugged. "..." He called out your name. "What exactly were you doing when Thor summoned his lightning in the hallway."

"Nothing!" You told them honestly, holding up your hands. "All I could do was hope he was strong enough to take them out!"

Stephen stepped forward. "Can you do that again?" He asked. Making you raise a questioning eyebrow at him.

"I mean, can you focus your thoughts on the hope for Thor being stronger?" He clarified.

You sighed, rolling your eyes like always, and then closed them tight, hugging yourself closer to Thor and trying to do that. Thor was the sun, and you wanted him to shine brighter than ever before! To truly be the strongest Avengers as he called himself sometimes!

With a deafening boom in the air, Thor brought down another thunderstrike.

"HOLY SH-" You heard someone yell before you opened your eyes, looking at the group of shocked people watching you before turning to the pole.... Which was glowing red and starting to slightly melt at the top.

You stared with wide eyes before looking back at the group.

Bruce was fanning the equipment which was slightly smoking and looked over at Tony. "Did you get any of the numbers before the machine got fried?"

Tony nodded, tapping the side of his glasses and slowly taking them off "... That was... Around 5 times stronger than normal," he said slowly.

They were all staring at you with wide eyes, to which you made a face. "I didn't do anything!"


You found yourself in a training room, a lot like the one in the tower. They had done some magical and machine scans on you, but your readings were so weird they decided to just do a manual test instead.

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