Chapter 5: Found

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You are screaming bloody murder but still can't make your feet move.

The robot was not expecting you to start screaming like that, it jumps like it's startled and takes a step back from you.

You jumped back too, landing on your butt, and quickly started crawling backward, away from it, still screaming and trying to get your head to remember a better way to escape than crawling.

Today was just too much! You could not handle any more! You just wanted to go home!

"HEY! Hey look at me!" The robot suddenly said, clearly having a human voice and started snapping its fingers. Your crawling stopped as you just looked at it shocked. The robot was speaking English to you so your brain told you to listen.

You had stopped screaming but were still staring at it open-mouthed.

The head of the robot disappeared, well, not really! It was more like the helmet of the suit disappeared, revealing the very human male under it. He snapped his fingers again, making you focus on his face. "It's me," He said seriously, looking over his shoulder once before focusing back on you.

And you recognized him, even if he was not wearing those sunglasses right now.

"Mr. Stark?!" you asked in disbelief, staring at him with giant eyes. This was really the same guy from the cafeteria!

"Yeah kid, it's me! And I'm here to save you, not hurt you, so could you please just trust me and-"

His voice was sounding further and further away, and he also seemed to become blurry. Your brain could no longer keep up, the adrenaline was gone and so your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you promptly passed out.


Tony just looked down at you and then sighed. "I'm normally used to people fainting when they meet me, but this is ridiculous!" Well if you were passed out you were not running! So you would be easier to transport!

He put on his helmet again and picked you up.

"I got the kid, and Hydra definitely seems interested in getting her back, so I am guessing she has the artifact... Whatever it is" He said as he started flying up. "Cap, Nat, you got this?"

"We got this" Nathalia said as she fired her gun at some more Hydra agents. "Get her to safety!"

"Roger roger," Tony said as he flew off with you.


Steve is standing by a table with some other agents and Fury. His hands are shaking slightly like they are itching to punch something. Dealing with Hydra did that to him, always up for punching a Nazi.

Fury was looking at the screen and talking, briefing the others on what they know so far. "We have confirmed the bunker we found is indeed an abandoned Hydra base, and that the signal we tracked indeed went to that place" He looks at Steve. "We still don't know what artifact they teleported into the bunker, but we do now know that a person came along with it" A picture of you appears on the screen.

"What do we know about her so far?" Nat asked, stepping away from the wall she had been leaning on to get a better look.

Fury looks at the screen too, going through different pictures and documents. "All we have so far is what she told us, but we have not been able to find any evidence to support her claims"

Steve frowns, clearly not liking that. "Are we sure she is not a Hydra agent?" He asks, looking at the story you have told.

"If she is a spy or Hydra agent, she is not a good one," Nat says, looking at the statements you have made and the things they have found on you, all from when you left the bunker. "Unless she somehow wants something from us there is no reason she should have gone to the Embassy asking for help, and Hydra did attempt to kidnap her in broad daylight"

"Could be to gain our trust" Steve says, but was not believing the words himself.

"No matter what, one thing is sure," Fury says, looking back at your picture. "She got teleported into that bunker, so most likely, she has the artifact"


You were really tired of waking up without knowing where you were or how you got there!

At least this time you were in a bed.

You open your eyes slowly, hoping for a second that maybe you are back in your own bed and that all this was just a very bad dream.

But of course, you are not that lucky.

You don't recognize the room you are in, but the bed is comfortable, and it has a homey feeling to it, that does calm you down a little, but then again, your kidnappers could just be nice.

You get up slowly, finding out you are not restrained in any way and stumbling your way over to the door. It seemed to be unlocked, but then again, so was the first door in the bunker.

You open the door slowly, peeking out into the hallway first for a quick glance, but not seeing anything. So you open the door more and try to step out when someone suddenly stands up from beside the door, immediately getting in your face. You had not noticed them before.

You give a surprised scream and on instinct slap the person.

The person looks more shocked than anything else that you just slapped them, turning their head back to you and pulling off their sunglasses. "Why?!" He asked, shocked looking at you. "WHY?!"

You gasp, your hands going to your mouth in horror. "Mr. Stark, I am so sorry!" You really are! You didn't mean to slap him!

He sighs and shakes his head. "No no kid, I really can't blame you. You've been through a lot" He gave you a serious look. "Just don't do it again"

You nod slowly and take some deep breaths to calm yourself when you suddenly think of something. "Wait, is that why they called you Iron Man? Because you have a robot suit?!" That was a pretty big deal! Was he a secret government agent or something?!

Tony looks at you with a serious look in his eyes as if trying to read your facial expression. "... You really don't know who I am?" He asks, seeming both surprised and not. Like he had been expecting it, but still not believing it.

You wanted to roll your eyes like before but didn't. You are starting to get a bad feeling that this guy is a really big deal and that you are supposed to know who he is. "No!" You tell him seriously, and for some reason you are not sure about, adding a "Sorry?"

He gives you a startled laugh at that, just like before you get the feeling he expected the answer, but not really. "Well kid, then I really need you to come with me for a bit"

That earns him a frown from you, and you start stroking your arm, feeling uncomfortable. "Did you kidnap me?" You ask. It's a stupid question, but you feel like you have to ask.

He shakes his head and holds out a hand for you. "No, but I might know who did, and it's a rather long story, so I think we should get something to eat on the way"

You hesitate to take his hand, he could still have kidnapped you, but in either case, it was probably better to just go along with him. You also got a feeling that he was being rather gentle with you, maybe because of everything going on he understands that he has to keep you calm.

So you walk along with him, following him to a small private room. You notice on the way how several people are watching you as you walk by, all in suits and a lot of them with sunglasses and earpieces.

Seriously, what the hell is going on?!

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