Chapter 15: Superheros

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The next morning you had the more general medical check, and it turned out Banner also worked as a doctor in the tower. You talked about general health and he carefully took some tests and tested your reflexes and other stuff you would get at a normal doctor's check-up.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but Bruce still insisted on keeping a close eye on you for a while, in case there were side effects, but at this point you doubted it.

If you had side effects you probably had them for a while, not something you would suddenly get.

Since most of the people in the tower were busy with the day-to-day, the main job of watching you went to Friday. And since there were no cameras in the bed or bathrooms you were asked to spend as little time there as possible.

That irritated you a little, you had after all just brought a lot of stuff for your room, but that was just how life was! So you spend most of the time with a book in hand on the couch, watching the others go about their day-to-day activities.

Tony and Bruce were never around, but they were in the tower. You very quickly learned they both spend most of their time in the lab and only came out if they were needed for something important. Getting food was apparently not deemed important, so Pepper would often say hello to you as she was getting food from the kitchen to bring to them.

When Dr. Strange was around he would spend time in the lab, sharing the latest info he found about the artifact, but they still didn't fully know what it was, so it was hard to get info on it. He spends most of his time at something called the sanctum, digging into books and trying to find more information.

Peter also spent a lot of time in the lab, shadowing Tony as he worked on other stuff, but he also had school and a home outside the tower, so you saw even less of him.

Steve, Bucky, and Sam were all still in a soldier mindset, meaning that most days they were training somewhere. When they were not running laps around a lake or boxing in the towers gym they would go out to town, Sam most of the time dragging Bucky and Steve along to experience something that was normal for this time period, but mind-blowing for them.

You had learned that Bucky had not been frozen in ice, but his memory of everything after the war and to now was a bit blurry, so he too was enjoying new experiences.

You also learned that Nat and Clint were full-time agents for S.H.I.E.L.D., meaning they got called on a lot of daytime jobs. Nat apparently had several covers she needed to maintain and Clint also had a family he had to check in on a lot, so you barely saw them on work days.

The last shocking thing you learned was about Vis, or Vision as Wanda called him. Apparently, he was an AI too, but one who had gained full sentience and life. Wanda and Pietro, who you learned were not only siblings but twins, took him out a lot to see different things, Thor being their guide to keep them safe.

So that left you a lot of alone time.

Or would have, if not for Loki.

Loki also brought books to the couch, and the two of you fell into a nice routine of sitting quietly and reading your own books. It was a comfortable silence, you didn't feel like you had to fill it with anything, it was nice just to sit and read with a friend.

You did occasionally talk, mostly when one of you got up to get something you would ask the other person if they wanted something too, other times you would discuss the books you were reading, or what to read next.

It became a very nice routine.

You had spent about a week like that when you learned the superhero title the team had was no joke.

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