Chapter 47: Date Night

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You quickly discovered that while Loki might normally be patient, your teasing last night might have sped things up just a bit.

He was at least thoughtful enough to not wake you up, but as soon as you stepped out of your room the next morning, luckily having showered and everything, he was standing there with a bouquet of magenta-colored lilacs and a grin on his face.

You blushed as you received the flowers and he gave you a little bow, formally saying your name. "Would you do me the honor of letting me court you this evening?"

Your blush deepened as you watched him, remembering suddenly that he was royal. "Yes," you said happily, smelling the flowers and giving him a happy grin. The fact that he was a prince had nothing to do with your yes, to you he was just Loki, and just Loki was more than enough.

He grinned up at you and straightened up. "I will pick you up at 6 pm then," he said, taking your hand and giving your knuckles a gentle kiss before running off.

Looks like you had a date tonight!


You had a date tonight, and you've never been on one. So after breakfast, you quickly ran to the girls to tell them the good news and to ask for help.

Wanda squealed in delight, hugging you tight and jumping with you.

"Bad boy syndrome..." Nat said with an eye-roll, but you elbow her lightly in the side, raising an eyebrow at her.

She laughs and holds up her hand. "I know I know, he is on our side and I'm not one to talk about past actions...But-" She looked at you seriously- "If he hurts you, he's dead."

You grin and hug her "Thank you, Nat!" She hugs you back and chuckles. "I guess it's time for another makeover?"

Wanda squealed even louder and you all ran off together.


You were in a pretty star-themed dress with a golden trim when you were done with the girls. They spent all day making sure you looked stunning.

Loki might be old-fashioned and was the one who asked you, but you did not want him to be the only one paying for things tonight. You wanted to do stuff for him too because you really liked him.

But to do stuff you would need money, and while you had a card that Tony gave you, you were not sure if it had a limit, and you wanted to go all out tonight!

So you went to the lab where you would be sure you could find Tony, and you were right, he was still working on stuff. "Hey Tony, whatcha working on?" You asked, trying to butter him up just a little before asking him for money.

Tony looked at you with an expression that clearly told you he knew what you were doing, but also that he didn't mind. "I'm working on a transporter," he said, showing you the blueprints, "more accurately a multiverse transporter." He gestured to you. "In case you ever wanna visit back home."

You looked at him surprised but guessed that was fair. "I really don't have anything to go back to," you said seriously, looking at the digital blueprints, "but hey, maybe there are other worlds to explore?" That could be a big breakthrough.

Tony nodded in agreement and then looked over at you again. "Nice outfit, I'm guessing it's not just to bless my eyes," he said, gesturing to you. "Big plans?"

"I have a date!" You told him with a blush, grinning at him. "So I was wondering if I could borrow one of those golden cards with unlimited money on it? Not that I don't think my date will pay for anything, but I don't want him paying for everything."

The Tear of Celesteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن