Chapter 40: Distraction 🗡️

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You run out with Peter, looking over your shoulder to make sure you are not being followed. "Are the others here too?" You ask him, but feel your heart drop as he shakes his head. "No, I called them, but there is some kind of cloaking shield around the building!" He said seriously, pulling you into what looks like a security room with some guys knocked out. "I was trying to disable it when I saw them drag you into the room and leave you alone," he said, pointing at the security feed on the screens.

You get fresh tears in your eyes as you see Loki on one of the screens, he is laying on the floor, bruised and bleeding. "Peter!" You say, tears streaming down your cheeks. "We have to save him!" You turn to him in desperation.

He makes a face, glancing over at the screen too, but starts working on another computer. "We have to get the shield down so the others can find us first," he said seriously. "I may be Spider-man, but I can't take them all out! We end up getting captured even faster," he said, gesturing to the guards on the ground. "We are already gonna get captured when they realize those guys are not answering their calls."

You made a face, looking at Peter worried. "Well, how long will that take?!" You ask worried, fidgeting with your hands. "Too long," Peter says worriedly as one of the guy's walkie-talkies starts going off. "I need more time!" He said, making a face.

You looked up at the screens again and frown "... I'll buy you more time," you said, grabbing the walkie-talkie and rushing toward the door, but Peter quickly grabs your arm, stopping you. "Are you out of your mind?!"

"Maybe!" You say, looking back at him. "But you wasted time freeing me! So I'm gonna try to buy you as much time as possible!" You said, laying a hand on his forehead and closing your eyes. You had not tried boosting mental abilities yet, but you tried your best to imagine a super hacker that could break into anything. "Break down that shield Peter! I stall them as long as I can!"

Peter hesitated but gave you a nod and rushed back to the computer. "Don't you dare die!" He shouted after you.

You were not planning to.

The walkie-talkie in your hand was still ringing as you quickly made your way back toward the room they held Loki in. It might be stupid, but you hoped if you were in the middle of the action you would draw more attention to yourself and maybe stop them from beating up Loki!

You needed to act like bait, so you rushed into the warehouse-like room. You were thankful there still were a lot of crates around you could use for cover. You might be fast, but you were unsure if you could dodge bullets!

You got a glance at Loki, the others not having noticed you yet, and you suddenly knew the best way to keep their attention. By channeling your own mischief.

You clicked the button on the walkie-talkie to pick up the call and put it to your ear. "Klaus, what took you so long to answer?!" You hear the voice of the man who hit Loki and sees from around the crate you are hiding behind that he is indeed the one calling. "I'm sorry," you say in your best customer service voice, "Klaus can't come to the phone right now, can I take a message?"

You could see the leader's shocked expression as he recognized your voice. "You! How did you even escape!" He motioned to the guys around him to pick up their weapons. "Well, the ropes were pretty loose, like the bag under your eyes," you say, trying to keep your voice calm, but knowing shit is about to hit the fan.

"Well no matter, you can't escape," he said with a sadistic grin, "and I assure you, there is nowhere for you to hide."

You take a deep breath, you know if they start looking for you they will find Peter, so instead you whisper into the walkie-talkie, watching as the goon turns up the volume on his and puts it to his ear trying to hear what you are saying, so you scream into the walkie-talkie, "I'M NOT HIDING!" Making him drop it and clutching his ear. You run out into view and blow a raspberry at them before you start running.

That got their attention, and they all started firing at you, but you found it easy to dodge as long as you kept moving! The gaps between the crates are small enough to run past without getting hit but still wide enough to keep their attention.

"Nice aim, jackasses! You would be excellent stormtroopers!" You yelled at them, moving away from Loki since some of them are already chasing you!

One of the men yelled out in anger. "When I'm done with you, you won't be able to see through both eyes!" He held some kind of electric rod, so you keep running, but give him a taunting: "Congratulations, you are as effective as pollen!"

He slammed his weapon into the box you had just been hiding behind, growling. "I mean I'm gonna make you feel pain!" He said, chasing you along with the others. You noticed that while Loki was looking over at you, bruised and bleeding, there was an amused grin on his face. So you kept going. "Dairy already does that, next!"

One of them cut off your path, giving you a cheeky grin, and lowered his weapon since you were within arms reach. "You are lucky I don't hit girls," he said as he reached for you.

"Neither do I, but for you-" You dodged his grip and hit him square in the face, knocking him back as you kept running- "I'll make an exception!"

He growled when recovering and ran after you. "I'm gonna bash your head in so hard you won't be able to think straight!" He shouted after you, which just made you flip him off. "I'm not straight, so you are late to the party!" Seriously, you liked girls and boys, it didn't matter which one, as long as you liked them.

Another one of them with a ranged weapon had gotten closer too, and you just kept running around, dodging shots. He too was pissed, so you shouted at him. "You seem upset! Did you finally see your reflection in the mirror?!" And you found yourself having to dodge a bit faster.

The one that had been hitting Loki cut off your path this time, clearly not caring about hitting you as the other one had. He gave you a growl. "I'm going to make you beg for death bitch!"

You quickly jumped up some boxes to not get pinned between him and the two chasing you, climbing higher up. "How? Gonna monologue some more because that might actually work!"

You were amazed at how good of a distraction you were as they all seemed to be chasing you now, and you have not been hit at all! You jumped for one of the chains hanging from the walkway, using it to quickly climb up.

You had to start swinging when more guys started shooting at you. "I'M GONNA SEND YOU TO YOUR GOD!" One of them yelled in anger, and since you could see Loki again from where you were swinging, you gave him a grin "Great! I just want Loki back after all!"

You got up on the catwalk to find one of the men had beat you up there, looking rather pissed. "Do you think you are funny?!" He yelled as he charged.

You jump up, grabbing a beam from above and lifting yourself up to dodge his grab, dropping to the floor behind him like when you had been fighting Loki and kicked at the man's back hard. "I THINK I'M ADORABLE!" You yell as he falls off the platform.

You see someone rush back toward Loki, and you simply can't allow them to hurt him anymore, so you need to get down there fast! That is when you notice some chains on a pulling system that goes all the way back there.

Well you've been copying Loki pretty well, and proven to yourself you could use the chains, so it was time to copy Peter!

You grab one of the longest chains, running to get the wheels going as you jump down, swinging across the entire warehouse and landing on the bad guy running for Loki, knocking him out.

You rush over to Loki, feeling there is enough distance between you and the goons to try and get his chains off!

Loki gives you a breathless chuckle. "I didn't know you had so much mischief in you," he said, smiling up at you. You grin back at him. "Learned from the best." But you see his eyes widen in panic. "LOOK OUT!"

You turn your head, seeing one of the bigger dudes above you, holding a weapon, and are about to swing down at you. You could dodge, but then it would hit Loki, so instead, you raise your hands in a stupid attempt to block the blow, closing your eyes and again wishing you had other superpowers.

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