Chapter 60: Villain

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The team never thought they would have to fight you, but you were clearly out of control and needed to be stopped.

And on a normal day, the team working together could probably have overpowered you easily.

But not when A: They had just been in a fight with Hydra, and while it was short, it was still brutal. B: You had been supercharged and were clearly not thinking straight, aiming to kill while they were trying not to harm you. And C: In the mirror dimension where apparently you had a lot more control than they had.

Yeah, today was not a normal day. The team is struggling with just matching you in this fight.

"Could we not just escape and wait for her to cool down?!" Tony asked, flying around in his suit, navigating the maze of buildings falling on top of him like it was Tetris.

"Unfortunately she won't let us!" Stephen said seriously. He has been trying to create portals but was having a hard time as he had to fight wires and cables moving like snakes around him, trying to grab and tie him up.

"Sis, can you knock her out or something?!" Pietro yelled, currently running in a giant hamster wheel made from a train, not being able to get out, and if he stopped running he would be smacked around.

"I tried!" Wanda said, using her magic to keep things from smashing into her. "But she is already unconscious! We need to wake her up, but I can't get to her!"

Peter was using his web to try and get better control of this place. He figured out how most of it worked and was holding his own pretty well. "Hold on, this place is like geometry but in real time!" He said seriously. "It's like a giant equation we need to solve!"

Vision looked around. "You are right," he said, as he started working with Peter to stabilize the area around them.

It got them stable enough ground that the group could get into formation and take a breath of air. But you were still floating over them, making everything float around in predictable, yet deadly patterns.

Clint looked at Strange seriously. "Can you get us out now?" He asked, looking at the ground held together by spiderwebs and technology Vision used. "Ground seems stable."

Dr. Strange frowned. "Even if we escape there is a possibility she will never cool down," he said seriously, looking worried, "she could get stuck here forever."

"I'm not sure we can fight her while holding back," Steve said seriously, gasping for air and looking at you. "We might just need to take that chance. She could get stuck, but it's better than killing her or her killing us, or even worse, her getting out in the state she is in and wreaking havoc on Earth."

Loki looked up at you too, whispering: "Sacrifice her to save the world..." He looked at Wanda with a serious look. Wanda looked back... And nodded, she turned to her brother and Bucky, sending them the same message. They both nodded too. Vision looked at Pietro and nodded too.

They all had talked about this since you lost control the first time, and they had all agreed on this.

Wanda looked to Loki, telling him there was one more person to ask, but it was a 50/50 if he would join the plan or not.

"Peter Parker of Midgard!" Loki said seriously, turning to him and for a moment looking like a true king talking to his knights. "It's time to pick a side, hero or villain?"

Peter's eyebrows pulled together for a second in confusion, and then he remembered. His eyes quickly dashed around him as he finally understood what was about to happen.

And Loki was trusting him enough to let him understand and pick a side.

Peter had always thought himself to be a hero, and even after hearing about how you saw villains and heroes he still picked himself to be a hero, it was part of the reason he had agreed with Tony to send you home.

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