Part 57

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Shoot! I totally forgot about my rival, the one-time, side villainess, Vanessa! To be more precise, Lady Vanessa Willowbrook, is the second daughter of the Willowbrooks, the Thornweather's opposite rival dukedom! They specialize in the militaristic aspects of Elden. Known as The Sword of Elden for their direct and aggressive disposition. The other dukedoms are also arriving, but they don't have any daughters that are of the same age range as Prince Orion. 

Me and Vanessa are the only ones of the same level. I'm the main villainess since I am engaged to Prince Orion. Er. Used to be engaged. But- Vanessa is also a villainess in the story. Similar to me, she also has the hots for Prince Orion and will try her hardest to harass Bella.

As stated previously though, she, sadly, is a one-time side villainess. The Willowbrooks are forced to marry off Vanessa to a Count's son in exchange for an extensive dowry. That particular Count's son is part of one of the major merchant families so they are very loaded. The Willowbrooks lost a lot of money and damages to their territory after the war and in order to not lose their status and power in the dukedom supremacy, they are forced to make outside connections and gain monetary wealth. 

Vanessa only has a single line and a single act of villainy in the story. She simply spills her drink on Bella's dress at the welcoming ball, forcing Bella to leave, saving her life from Vendia's attack. What was supposed to be an act of villainy becomes an act of helpfulness as Vanesa is the one that gets injured in the attack, while Bella later appears, safe from harm once the major players are apprehended.

Outside of the story, Vanessa is one of the key reasons why I don't have any friends besides Mary. She uses her dukedom's power and status and Prince Orion's looks to deter away any potential playmates. Anyone not interested in Prince Orion is simply removed or prevented from ever meeting me alone. So everyone either is jealous of me or doesn't know I exist. 

On the plus side, since I am a duke's daughter, direct bullying is nonexistent. Vanessa doesn't have enough power as the second daughter to harass me to the point of actual harm. Her elder sister is too busy training with the Willowbrooks soldiers to care about her younger sister's problems.

But, but! The most important part is that since I don't have any friends besides Mary, she makes it her life mission to harass the living heck out of my poor maid. Luckily Mary is strong-willed so the beginner-level harassment doesn't faze her. Mary can be so much scarier than Vanessa thinks. Her connections span far and wide too. 

Even though I don't have many friends-Ah I'm getting depressed just thinking about this over and over.- Mary is the complete opposite of me, she has people she knows everywhere we go. Even inside the Willowbrooks themselves, plenty of servants are friends with Mary. This is also another reason why Vanessa is unable to get rid of Mary or make Mary leave. Mary is just too powerful!

"Mary's probably met up with my rival." I say breathlessly. I've been powerwalking to the main hall ever since I realized that most of the guests are arriving. Vanessa will spare no time in creating chaos with Mary.

"..You have a rival?" Henry matches my speed easily, not breaking a sweat. I kind of wonder what he would look like all sweaty and stuff. Oops. The very thought almost gives me a nosebleed. Innocent thoughts! Innocent thoughts!

"..Hah, Yes. Lady Vanessa Willowbrook. The second daughter of the Dukedom Willowbrooks." I take a second to catch my breath. Gah! I shouldn't have run so much earlier, I'm so tired!

"Why would she be holding up Mary? Are the dukedoms so low to harass a single maid?" Henry says in shock. He reaches over and pulls me into his arms.

"AH! What are you doing?" I exclaim. I feel myself suddenly lighter and realize that Henry is carrying me in his arms. Princess Style!

"Don't squirm so much. I don't want to drop you." Henry says, tightening his grip on me. I freeze under his gaze.

"Erm. Could you put me down? I can walk just fine." I glance up at him. He shakes his head.

"No. Your body does not seem to be used to all of this exercise. Mary is of importance, yes? Then you should make sure that you still have some strength left to save her." Henry explains.

"Ah, but this is embarrassing!~" I bury my head into his chest. I can already feel the fatigue spreading all throughout my body. Henry's right. If I want to save Mary from whatever Vanessa is doing, I need the energy to do so!

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