Part 53

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We left the Vendia royalty to do whatever they wanted. We've already explored the secret garden so there wasn't much else to do in the south garden. Mary already saw all Vendia guests so I canceled my meeting with Princess Echina.

"Hah.." I sigh, walking alongside Mary, who is still clutching the flowers we picked.

"Want to take a nap before dinner?" Mary suggests, noticing my fatigue.

"That sounds good. But wouldn't that make me look bad? Prince Orion and Bella are still practicing. I feel I should be working just as hard." I rambled.

"Who cares? I didn't think Lady Annelise would be bothered by something as small as that!" Mary looks at me weirdly. 

True. When did I ever think about what others think? I am a duke's daughter and an ex-fiance of one of the royal Elden princes. I have enough clout to do whatever I want.

"True. Let's go and take a nap then." I declared.

"Of course." Mary laughs.

"What are you planning on doing till dinner, Henry?" I turn towards Henry. He stepped back a while ago, letting me and Mary chat a bit.

"I might wander a bit. It's been a while since I've visited the royal castle." Henry ponders.

"Eh. You've been here before? Ah! Did you train with the royal soldiers with your father?" Mary's eyes sparkle. Oh yeah. Henry's father is the knight commander of the royal army!

"For a bit. I left to follow your father. I wasn't interested in working for the royal army. It is also uncomfortable for me to work under my father." Henry says.

"Hm. So you haven't been inside the actual castle then? Just the training grounds and soldier quarters?" I asked.

"That is the case." henry nods.

"Hah! Does that mean I have more experience at the royal castle than Sir Henry?!" Mary realizes.

"More experience?" Henry looks toward Mary. She puffs her chest proudly.

"I've been to the castle at least a few times! I always tag along with my lady when she comes to visit! I've got connections too!" Mary explains proudly.

"Is that something to brag about? You've only met the king and queen once!" I said.

"It is for us commonfolk! I don't get the opportunities to see or request royal presence whenever I want! I got to treasure the things I can get!" Mary puts her hands on her waist defiantly.
"Hey, be careful with the flowers!" I exclaim.

"Oops!" Mary narrowly avoids crushing the gardenias and rearranges her hands.

"Sorry, my lady! Let's quickly put them in water to preserve their life!" Mary laughs sheepishly.

"Haha! But I'll have to disappoint you, Mary. I've not only met but talked with the royal family." Henry laughs. Oh yeah, Henry was there at the meeting!

"What! HOW?!!" Mary drops her mouth in surprise.

"Oh yeah. Henry was there when I met with the king to discuss my engagement." I recall.

"He was pretty cool, bringing the Thornweather's seal." I smirk. Mary looks shocked. Henry laughs at her silly face. I giggle.

"What! I want to have experience with royalty!" Mary complains.

"You sure? I can do that easily for you." I smile dangerously.

"Uh, no thanks. Not the way you're thinking of, my lady. I want a normal, NORMAL, interaction." Mary laughs nervously, slinking back, closer to Henry.

"Sir Henry, you'll protect me right?" She looks at Henry with shining eyes.

"Sorry, Mary. But my duties are to protect Lady Annelise. If Lady Annelise is the one that is causing trouble, I can't stop her." Henry chuckles.

"You're no fun! Don't let Lady Annelise make you do something dangerous!" Mary huffs.

"Whatever. Don't talk badly about me. I'm your master. I pay your salary, er, my father pays your salary." I toss a piece of my hair back majestically.

"Hmph. I can do whatever I want! Lady Annelise is a meanie! As your one and only friend, you should be helping me!" Mary teases me from behind Henry, giving me a stink-eye.

"What! I did help! You wouldn't have met the Vendia royalty if I wasn't there!" I match her stink-eye.

"....Thant's not very ladylike, Lady Annelise." Henry points out. I quickly stop but feel a blush creeping on my face. Mary laughs. Dang it Mary!

"Hah! You look like a tomato!" She chortles.

"...a cute tomato" Henry smiles. Wawawawawa-what? I blush harder. Mary smirks.

"Yes, a cute tomato. Lady Annelise is one of the most beautiful people I know!" Mary boasts, glancing over at Henry.

"Wha-What are you guys saying!" I turn away from their stares, holding my burning face. How embarrassing! I run towards my room.

"Haha. Wait up!" Mary laughs, catching up to me.

"Please be careful, my lady." Henry calls after us.

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