Part 47

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Well, sadly Henry and I didn't get much information out of these princes, except that Prince Circe is a total brat-face. I don't want to doubt myself so I'm not going to. But I don't know anymore if these princes are actually planning an attack. I tried to think about what they said, but I can't see anything that might show their intent to attack. 

Sure, Prince Circe doesn't really like this whole idea of a ball and nobility in general, but that isn't enough to plan a whole elaborate scheme to kidnap the Elden princes. Maybe I'm missing something here. Maybe the Vendia princes weren't the masterminds behind the attack. But I don't remember anyone else of importance that would have a reason to attack during the ball.

Mary never showed up so we headed back to the north garden to help finish setting up the mock competition. Maybe she got caught in something and couldn't leave.

"Ah! Annelise, you're back! We're almost ready to start!" Prince Orion's cheerful voice greets us as we enter the competition grounds. 

The whole garden has been completely transformed with massive flags and fencing to create each individual race. A total of four different tracks have been created, three of them are for each skill level and one is specialty-made for the couple's race. Multiple wide hanging stands litter the track with an assortment of different colored and patterned flags hanging from their high beam. We were able to scrounge up about 50 different colored and patterned fabrics to be used for the couples' race. If more than 50 couples are made, we can just hold multiple rounds.

A plethora of servants and some guests are lounging in the many resting areas sandwiched between the racetracks. We decided to surround and intertwin the resting areas and viewing areas so that folks who are not racing can pick and see whatever race they want. We've also created a special viewing box on a high-raised stilt for all of the major nobles. Each box is tall enough to view all of the tracks from any angle and we're also providing goggles that enhance one's vision if people want to get a closer look. 

Bella was the one to suggest having viewing boxes for the higher nobility to give them privacy and prevent any unnecessary conflicts between the differing nobility lines. I was just going to section parts of the ground viewing area for them, but I think creating a completely separate structure is much easier to maintain and explain.

"Wow! You guys did great!" I marveled at the efficiency of the servant helpers and stableboys. Knights are also practicing their patrols and routes for each viewing and resting area. Maids and additional support such as doctors and nurses are also scouting the area. They will be mainly assisting everyone with anything they may need besides the horse competition.

"Heheh! Everyone worked hard! Bella even create a small play area for the little kids to hang around while the competition is happening! This will allow parents to enjoy the competition without worrying about their kids!" Prince Orion proudly boasts.

I can see Bella moving around everywhere, checking and directing people on things. Man, why didn't we just assign the main organizer title to Bella and not me? She's doing a much better job at that than me! I just want to sit and enjoy the event!

Out of the corner of my eye, I finally found Mary. She's been here all this time! I watch her going around talking to each of the servants and maids that will be assigned to each competitor.

Every one of these servants knows how to ride a horse and will help each guest on choosing the right horse and helping them practice in the practice area.

I guess she decided to help instead of coming to see a glimpse of the Vendia princes. Mary's such a hard worker! As I admire her, Mary looks up and notices me and Henry. She smiles and waves at us. She turns to speak to the people around her, then heads towards us.

"Hi my lady! Did you get to see the Vendia princes?" Mary says, slightly out of breath.

"I did! They were good-looking as the rumors suggest. But their personality..." I drag the end of my sentence.

"Their personality?" Mary asks.

"Not the best," Henry interjects. I nod my head.

"What do you mean?" Mary tilts her head, curious.

"Well, Prince Astric is kind of weird and Prince Circe is a total jerk!" I huff.

"Huh?" Mary says.

"He's so rude to me! He thought I was just some noble's daughter! They didn't even know who the Thornweathers are! I'm the daughter of one of the most powerful families in the kingdom! We wrecked you in the war! Shouldn't you know who wrecked you?!" I released my pent-up frustrations.

"Uh, what?" Mary is confused.

"The meeting with the Vendia princes was not successful." Henry tries to explain.

"Yeah, I didn't get much information except that they did come to visit their sister, Princess Echina." I said.

"Oh, so you weren't able to confirm anything?" Mary asks.

"No. Not at all." I frown.

"Eh, so is there an attack or not?" Prince Orion pipes up.

"Who knows?" Mary shrugs.

"Well, I'm sure!" I declare.

"But you have no proof." Mary points out.

"No, but-" I start.

"My lady, you don't have time to go off again. You need to start the mock competition. Everyone is waiting for you." Mary interrupts me.

"Ugh, fine." I groan.

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