Part 13

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After finishing our meal, Mary heads back to her room to pack for tomorrow. My stuff's already packed so I am just lounging on my fluffy pink couch, reading a very juicy novel about step-siblings being separated from childhood, only to fall in love with each other and discover they are family.

Henry should be arriving soon, I made Mary notify him before she was released for the day. I feel a little nervous about being in an enclosed room with just me and him. I'm worried about being completely drowned in his handsomeness and messing up my nonexistent relationship with him. We're considered friends, right?!?

"Lady Annelise?" I hear a knock on my door and Henry's voice from the hallway.

"Come in!" I yell, placing a bookmark and closing my book.

Whew, things just got extra juicy. The main couple just found out that their father (stepfather on the female lead's side) cheated on their mother (stepmother on the male lead's side) so they don't share biological parents with each other but happen to be step-siblings due to their parents suddenly deciding to get married. Well good for them, they can be together without it being weird, but they are still siblings in name due to their parents' marriage so they're going to have to figure out how to drop the bomb on that one. I can feel the awkwardness and spiciness of the upcoming drama.

Henry walks in, dressed much more casually, but still has his sword strapped to his waist. His clothes make him feel more welcoming, like the guy next door feeling.

"You all packed up?" I ask, heading over to my table to talk. I usually just eat snacks there, admiring the view of our garden and our good-looking gardener, Jason. He's just the right amount of muscle and pure innocence. Me and Mary gossip about his admirers all day.

"Yes, I do not have much, just a single bag." Henry answers.

"Oh, that makes it easy to travel."

"Yes, it is great for emergencies."

"I see..."



AHHH! So awkward!!!!! What, ah, wha-, how do you start a conversation?!?!

"So, uh, how's the weather?" What are you doing me!? What a stupid question to ask!!!

"It was quite clear today?" Henry definitely looks confused.

"That's good!" I smile stiffly. WahhHH!! Girl, get yourself together!! Stop the small talk and get on with it!!!

"Ahem! Ahem!" I clear my throat.

"So Henry, I don't know if Mary told you, but we decided to make a change in the plan Break Out." I said, pausing for emphasis.

"You don't have to pretend to be my lover anymore, we decided that it isn't necessary for the success of the engagement." I look at him for his response. He seems a little surprised.

"I see." He starts.

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