Part 45

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The group stops a few feet in front of us. One of the silver-haired princes steps up slightly.

"Good morning." The pleasant voice strangely doesn't match this Vendia prince's appearance even though they are certainly very good-looking. The weird feeling increases as he smiles, showcasing his pearly whites.

"...Good morning." I said.

"..Who are you?" The other prince speaks, his voice carries a slight innocence.

Even though both princes share similar statures, one gives off a much more mature feeling and the other reflects youthfulness. If I didn't know that there was an age difference, I would have thought these princes were twins. Their looks were so identical, yet their individual feels are vastly different.

"...I am Annelise Thornweather of the Thornweathers." I answered, studying the mature-looking prince. He's been intensely staring at me since I saw them walk up.

"..hey, you should look at the person you're talking to." The younger-looking prince irritably speaks. He crosses his arms in front of his chest. He eyes me up and down, then smirks.

"The Thornweathers? Never heard of them. You some noble's daughter?" He scoffs. Woah, this prince is a total jerk. His youthful feel is completely lost once he opened his mouth.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I match his disdain with my own. He stumbles but catches himself.

"You should be more respectable in front of us. Do you not know who we are?" He emphasizes the "we".

"...How should I know?" I retort back at him. Hah! The oldest trick in the book. Reflecting one's question back at them!

"What?!" The not-so-youthful prince raises his hand, ready to fight. I step back slightly, Henry by my side.

"Hey, calm it. You're a guest." The more mature prince stops his brother. He looks toward me.

"I don't know if you actually mean it, but we came from Vendia. I am Prince Astric of Vendia. This is my younger brother, Prince Circe." He gestures toward his brother, who scoffs.

"...I greet your majesties." I bow. Henry does the same.

"...Have you also come for the Elden Welcoming Ball?" Prince Astric asks.

"..Yes." I answered.

"Wow, do they invite anyone these days?" Prince Circe's snarky remark cuts through. Bro, this kid is!!!! I shoot my deadliest stare at this rascal, imagining him bald. The image makes me snicker. Everyone looks at me. Woops.

"Hey, why did you laugh?" Prince Circe glares at me.

"...nothing." I turn my head away from him. I ain't talking to this jerk-face.

"What?!" Prince Circe is steaming.

"...well, it has been a pleasure to meet you, Lady Annelise of Thornweather." Prince Astric interrupts our skirmish, smiling widely again.

"Shall we head to see our sister?" He turns towards Prince Circe.

"Oh! Yeah!" Prince Circe exclaims.

"I hope to see you at the ball tomorrow, Lady Annelise." Prince Astric nods and gestures to the group of people following him. They all start to leave. Prince Astric passes us, giving a brief glance at Henry, but doesn't say anything. Prince Circe walks up to me and his shoulder pushes me slightly, making me almost fall into Henry's arms. He smirks as he catches up to his brother.

Why you! I seethe with anger at his childish antics. Henry steadies me.

".. Lady Annelise, I don't mean to interrupt but-" He looks at me.

"Yeah?" I ask him.

"I thought you wanted to talk to the Vendia Princes to gain information on their attack against the royal family." Henry reminds me. Oh, Shoot!

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