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Dalai wasn't an idiot. He was quick to put two and two together after Lars' visit. The man laughed warm-heartedly at how things were unfolding. Roxanne and Lars facilitated things. He no longer needed to scheme to con Lars or seek to make Thuile's life hell in Serenas' name. All Dalai needed to do was wait for his muppets to return to him, for it was what everyone involved would do for different motives.

No matter from what angle Dalai looked at it, Lars was the goose of the story.

How could a man be so credulous?

One didn't need a road map to understand Roxanne would continue hounding Lars once he delivered the money. On the contrary, money was the start; the woman would use it to get what she truly desired.

Dalai underestimated Lars' will and his wits.

Lars was well aware Roxanne would not let him go, and it didn't matter. He had other plans. The first thing the man did when he got home was pack. Lars wasn't going to sit around and wait for the nightmare to reach its climax.

"What are you doing? Don't tell me you're running off," Steven asked

Lars walked to his wardrobe and began to take his clothes off the hangers, "I'm not running. I'm going home. I haven't seen my nephews and nieces for a long time. I'll give Roxanne the money before leaving."

The pretext was real; Steven knew it. Still, he spoke his mind, "Lars, that's so unreasonable, so you're just going to give her the money and leave the country?"

"Yes, that's what I'm doing."

"You can't be serious," Steven chuckled and took off his glasses to wipe them before putting them back and saying, "So you're leaving just like that?"


"How about Thulile and your coffee venture? Does she know?"

"It's Dalai's venture now," Lars retorted.

"What?" Steven stepped away from the door and came to grab him by the shoulders; "Lars, what do you mean by it's Dalai's venture? What have you done?"

"Get your hands off me," Lars said, shaking off his friend's hands, "I did Thulile a favor. She'll be better off without me. Dalai is a great businessman. He'll do something great with this project."

"I can't believe it. You are so fucking selfish, Lars. You can't do this to Thulile. She trusts you. Her family trusts you. You can't walk into her life like a savior, give her a taste of the better life and walk away like a colonizer."

A colonizer, the insult was almost fitting, Lars thought. Indeed he came, conquered, and was jetting out. Lars couldn't counter Steven. Instead, he played it mea culpa, "I did what's best for her. She doesn't need a man like me in her life."

"No, you did what's best for you. It's always about you," Steven said as he poked Lars in the chest. "What about this place? When were you planning to tell me you were leaving and that I'd be homeless, huh? Your departure seems imminent."

Lars sighed, "I'm sorry, Steven. I know it's short notice."

"Fuck you."

Steven left the room without letting Lars finish. Lars was a disappointment in every way. Steven tried, he gave his all to understand the man, but Lars lacked consistency in everything he did. Their friendship worked while it was convenient, and now Lars fled like every time he felt cornered. The man didn't care about who he betrayed or left behind. All that mattered was escaping a strangling situation.

Lars was no keeper; he wasn't Jonas. He could and would never be his brother. Anchored in a self-loathing stance, Lars neither had the heart nor the will to protect anything. He barely knew how to take care of himself. How could Steven even think he could do something for Thulile?

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