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The man pushed and shoved everyone.

Palesa didn't miss the episode, and the woman waited patiently to see the man make it to the front to say, "Hey, mista, there's a queue. Go to the back and wait your turn."

Thulile laughed, knowing the satisfaction Palesa got when she blocked people.

"It's an emergency."

"Eish, look at this one here. Everyone here has something urgent to do and needs to get to work, sir. Go to the back and queue."

The man resigned from the argument and went to the back. He waited half an hour before making it to the front legitimately.

"So, sir, what's your so-called emergency?"

"I need a barista for an event tonight. My life depends on it."

"Tonight," Palesa exclaimed.

"Yes, if I don't find one, they'll fire me."

The man trembled like a leaf. Thulile frowned at the word she wrote on his cup.


Did it mean she had to help him?

"Please, I need the woman who makes coffee here. A friend told me she was the best around, and my employer asked me to find the best."

Thulile exchanged stares with Palesa.

"May I ask for what event this is for?" Palesa asked.

"It's for one of the biggest parties of the year. In Sandhurst, the whole of Joburg's high society will be there."

"If it's a party, why coffee?" It should be champagne and other whiskies."

"Eish, who knows what goes through rich people's minds. I'm just a PA following instructions. The barista we invited from Italy could not come. We only found out this morning. As I said, if I don't find someone, I might as well throw myself from Tugela falls and be done with it."

Thulile tapped on Palsea's shoulder and gave her the man's cup.

"Is this for me?"

"Yes, drink it while it's hot."

The man drank and began to cry as soon as he finished his cup, "please help me, I need this job. It's all I have. My family everyone relies on this income."

"How much will the barista be paid?"

"That madame is crazy. She is willing to pay up to fifteen thousand rands for a single four-hour shift from 8 PM to midnight."

Palesa's eyes widened; she turned and gave Thulile a pleading stare. Thulile sighed and advanced, "I'll make the coffee, but I can't do it without my assistant. She'll need the same salary; otherwise, forget it."

"Okay, okay, just let me make a call first."

The man walked away and dialed. None could hear his conservation. All the women saw him do was nod.

"Thulile, you are crazy. You should have just accepted."

"He's desperate, and desperate people do crazy things. If he accepts, it will be good for you too."

Palesa patted her hands, "you are too good, chile."

The man came back, "okay, it's settled. Your assistant can come; she'll earn the same wage as you."

"Cool, where is it?"

"Here's the address," the man handed a card, "you'll have to enter by the small gate on the side it's for the caterers. Once you arrive, you'll have to change into the uniforms for the event. Someone will show you your setup.

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