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There's nothing explicit.

Thuliles' heart bashed on her rib cage as she fled the man.

No, she couldn't do it with someone who didn't love her.

Sex wasn't something sacred, but the woman wished only to share herself with someone on the same wavelengths.

Little did she know Lars was on the bus ahead of her concerning his feelings. The man felt the bond from the moment he met her. Knowing himself, he tried to ignore the emotions and set a distance between them to protect Thulile from his foolishness. For Lars was sure happiness wasn't something, he was allowed to have. He assumed a terrible event would happen because something always came up to spoil things, but he wanted her body and soul right then.

Was it wrong to desire Thulile?

If so, why?

She wasn't another man's woman, and unlike the toxic type who usually attracted him, Lars knew she wasn't cunning or manipulative.

Lars wished to protect Thulile. He cared deeply for her. The man preferred to use a substitute word to define the true feelings he carried.

In her room, Thulile paced once again. She was crazy; there was no other word that came to mind. Nandi was right. She was damn right nutty about the man and didn't know what she would have done if Lars had held her back in the pool house. She heaved; her respiration was as uncontrollable as her desire.

Thulile managed to calm herself and was about to get into bed when she heard a tap on the door. Not sure to trust her ears, she approached and opened.

There he stood. Lars, too heaved as though he ran eight miles.

Thulile let him in, "I'm sorry, Thulile, I can't you go. I preferㅡ."

Lars didn't have time to finish. The woman came to grasp his face and kissed him.

Everyone reproached her overthinking. "You'll miss out on life if you overthink all the time. One has to charge like a bully sometimes."

Thulile ran to him, and Lars embraced her. He took off her tee, and Thulile helped him with his as they backed up to the bed. Where the first kiss in the pool house was more forceful, there the man played it serene and sensual. Thulile tasted another man's touch. Everything was different and new.

The discovery of the extensive array of positions made Thuliles' sex life a scientific experiment where Elijie satisfied every one of his fantasies. Back to front, front to back, the woman flipped like a steak on a grill for the man's pleasure. Shy and submissive, Thulile always felt she had to perform as her Ex would ask her to say his name or do other things that enticed him. The woman felt obliged to double up on the sound effects. Even when there wasn't much going on for her, the woman performed.

Thulile could not imagine the prejudice she inflicted herself as Elije became more dominant in and out of bed.

If Gisele enjoyed the bedtime story Elije told her, it was thanks to Thulile, who endured the sex Bootcamp, that made the man an expert.

With Lars, she didn't know on which foot to dance. It was the first time she was with someone else. She decided to follow her gut feeling.

The lamp on the nightstand allowed them to keep sight of each other, but there, it was with their eyes that they connected. Thulile understood there was no need to act. She only saw Lars' benevolent blue gaze.

All the woman saw was the smoke of Lars' confidence. She couldn't imagine the man's apprehension as he battled the myths and legends. Like many white men, he heard about black men's anatomy and wondered how the Thulile would perceive him. One could recognize and trust Lars to think of such details at the crucial moment.

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