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Lars got up early, threw on the first sweatpants, sweater, and tee he saw. Too excited, he hurried to his car, realized he still had his slippers, went back inside, put on his sneakers, and went out to his car. When he arrived, the truck trap window wasn't even open; he knocked on it.

"Excuse, is anyone there?"

Palesa opened, "we're not open yet."

"Is she there? I need to speak to her."

Thulile came to the front, "how can I help you?" she asked the way she used to when she worked fried chicken franchise.

Never had Thulile seen the man as ecstatic as he was then. His smile stretched so far it could slice his ears.

"I need you," Lars blurted.

Thulile's eyes widened before closing down to their usual slit, "pardon."

The woman's heart bounced on and off her rib cage like a basketball, and Palesa's eyes blinked more times than one could exclaim hayibo! [unbelievable].

"You and I, we're meant to make coffee together. It's the opportunity. Let's start a business."

Crows cawed in both Thulile's and Palsea's minds.

The window trap closed on Lars' face

"Hey, is it a yes or a no?"

Lars heard a slamming door; the man knocked again, "hey."

A tap on his back made him turn.

"The answer is no."

Lars blinked to regain his senses. He couldn't believe Thulile came out though more adequate considering the situation, "why say no? You haven't even given me the chance to explain."

"I can't make coffee for masses."

"Why because of your predictions? You don't need to do that. Your coffee is delicious even without it. The fortune forecast is a plus, as a paper in a Chinese cookie. What I'm interested in are the blends you make."

"I said, I can't."


"They're not recipes."

Lars frowned," what do you mean?"

"I don't calculate quantities and stuff."

"Got you, it doesn't matter. I'll do that; you can make the coffee. I'll take notes. Listen," the man posed his hands on her shoulders and withdrew them when he saw her dark stare.

"Sorry, as I was saying, your coffee is fantastic. It's better than any I've tasted in my entire existence. I guess it's not something you learned professionally, but I can help you with that. We could open up a coffee shop like the ones further down and whiplash them with your coffees. I'm an investor, I love challenges, and I believe we can do it."

"No, you listen. I've met people like you before, and it's always a scam. I refuse."

"Why, do you have some type of code in the African sorceress book telling you it's forbidden?"

Thulile kissed her teeth and waved him off, "I don't have time for this. It's not some kind of black magic; I can't. Besides, I don't know you." Thulile turned to walk away.

"Make me a cup. You probably have one of the greatest lie detectors on earth. If I'm lying, the coffee will tell, won't it?"

Lars guessed if she could read good intentions, she could also see the bad. The question of what the woman did when she saw something terrible intrigued him.

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