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I'm in a good mood

Read Blue's Shadow cause I'm gonna have to take it off Wattpad when my agent finds out about it.


19 years ago

I woke up this morning to a kiss from Katsuki. He rummaged through the closet of the apartment for his costume, pulling it all on as quick as he could. I rubbed my eyes, the blur of our bedroom becoming an a clear image. It was a cloudy morning, the gray light just barely sifting through the blinds.

As soon as I stretched and tried to stand up, I got a funny feeling. A lightheaded sort of headache, no, not an ache, just a dizziness. It coupled with this strange twist in my stomach, like I was going to be sick, but the sickness had other ideas.

I got up and went to the bathroom. I bought something last night at the drug store, a precaution, postcaution type thing. Now, I wait. I put my hands on the counter by the sink, staring down at the ceramic. It goes through my mind that I may just be paranoid, that I could be wrong, but my instincts rarely are. I slip a palm over my stomach, down to my womb, and in a blink, two little lines appear in the center of the pregnancy test.

When I walk out of the bedroom, my hair a mess, still in my sweats, Katsuki's practically out the door. He struggles to get his boots on, stress rampant on his face.


"Um," I scratch the back of my head. "Are you busy?"

"Yeah, there's this villain downtown, Shoto just called me, what's up?"

"Oh, I'll tell you when you get home," I say, yawning and waving off the news. "Can you not be late for dinner this time? I can't cook, you know?"

"Yeah Headset, trust me, I know," he sighs. He's about to open the door when he looks back like he forgot something. Running back to me, he gently cups my face, pecks my lips, and says, "Don't touch the stove."

I roll my eyes and he's off to do his heroing stuff. When the door shuts, I'm left awkwardly standing in the expanse of our apartment. It's a typical place a college student and aspiring hero could share. It has a run down kitchenet, nail holes in the walls, nice windows overlooking the street, a crappy old couch, and it would be messy if Katsuki weren't a clean freak.

I guess it's good he's a clean freak. You can't have a messy apartment if a baby's going to live in it. I hover my hand over my stomach again, looking down. On the news, Shoto and Katsuki fight off a villain on the biggest street downtown.

"That's your daddy," I whisper. "The other one's your uncle."

I know it can't see. I know it probably can't hear me either, but something in me that hasn't exactly processed that there's a child growing inside there is kind of happy about this. I didn't know I liked kids till I met Eri. She told me all about how she helped me once, how we met in that solemn year I lost most of my memories. She said me and Katsuki took care of her together once.

I think about that most of the day, my hands never leaving that spot until Katsuki gets home.

"Hi," I say, sitting crisscrossed on my stool, reading over my textbooks at the kitchen counter. Katsuki bears his weight on the wall as he slips his shoes and launchers off in the entrance. His neck is sore, his head hanging, his body moving like it's in pain.

"Hey," he says, sighing, running a hand through his hair as he makes his way towards me. "Is it okay with you if we just order something? It was a long day–"

He stops talking when I slide a styrofoam take out container full of the spiciest dish made in the city. I personally can't handle it. I don't even really like that place too much, but he does. It's his favorite. I open it and when the scent hits him, he relaxes ten fold.

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