my happiness

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Patreon is almost at the end of arc 2 YEE

Prefacing this by saying I don't condone drug use, but it's realistic for high school kids to get baked at least where I went to high school. So for those of you that are going to tell me they're too young to be doing this kind of thing, they absolutely are, but it's not unrealistic. Enjoy <3



Ame's been gone for twenty minutes. I grabbed his sleeve, tapped his shin with the tip of my shoe before he left, gave him a look- the kind that only friends know.

He nodded, wordlessly said he was okay going up with Kaido. Although, now that I've seen what I've seen doubt crawls through my stomach and up my spine like a weed.

"Mu?" Kenji mixes her water cup with a straw, her rings that leave little green spots on her fingers afterward catching the colored lights.

"We shouldn't have brought him." It only just strikes me that I haven't looked away from the staircase in quite some time. My fingers tap against the wall like they're expecting a scream to erupt from its abyss.

"He wanted to come. He said he did. You know we wouldn't have come otherwise," Kenji says. She cranes her neck forward, peeks to gain back my attention. "What's bothering you?"

My lips thin. "Kaido's violent."

Kenji's brows furrow. "Well yeah, he's a hero student."

"We're not on a training ground. We're surrounded by classmates, not villains nor criminals, yet that dragon on his back threatened to show. If he can't contain his violence to combat, what makes you think he can contain it from Ame."


"You think I'm overreacting."

I'm aware I do that sometimes, although I don't usually show it. It was one act. One palm crushing a windpipe and a single sentence to ward off a neck about to snap. I'm not an idiot. I know Kaido's more powerful than he lets on. I've known even before Ame began truly showing any interest in him that there were little demons hiding behind that polite, laughing facade.

You can learn a lot from watching people. It's part of the reason I come to parties. Laughs are all unique. They're spontaneous, roused from the chest or the nose depending on the joke. Kaido's laughs are all the same. Question me if you want, but my quirk was born from listening to frequencies. I am my mother's child. Pitch can change with the slightest incline of your throat and I'll sense it before the note even leaves your mouth.

Kaido's laughs are always the same.

Of course, he's fake. He has to be, he's a hero. Of course, he's violent. He has to be, he's a hero.

But either he hasn't learned when to draw a boundary between his career and his personal life or he's fabricated his personal life from the very beginning. Ame told me. That Kaido showed him pieces of himself, that he trusted him. But I can't bring myself to trust a boy who knows how to lie that well.

"I think you're scared of finding him upstairs crying on the floor again," Kenji says.

Her hair falls to the side, pink casting purple shadows against the pretty blue coat. She's tired. The same shade sits beneath her eyes. My worry for Ame has distracted me from my sun. She's the hues of her setting now. I take her hand in mine.

"You think dragons are easy to kill?"

"Mushi," she scolds me as if she didn't already know I was thinking it.

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