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2 years ago

Kenji's heart beats in rhythms of trust. No matter the asker, if someone begs, she'll let them take it. Unfortunately for the girl who's only ever wanted love and notebooks on which to draw her stories, the world doesn't treat trusting natures as kindly as she would.

"Hey," I whisper, holding her hand in mine. It's small and pudgy like a baby's. "It's alright."

Kenji's tears hit her knees as we sit on my couch. We just got back from school. Everything was normal there. Mu spouted their bullshit on the way to class and Kenji, despite being a little quieter than usual, smiled just as much as she always does.

It's when Mu and I met her under the arch to go home that she broke down. Apparently, an idiot a year above us asked her out. They'd been talking, hanging out for a few weeks. He kissed her for the first time yesterday. This morning he broke it off. She won't tell us what he said exactly or even what his name is.

She's probably right to keep that to herself. Cause if he thought Kenji was some sort of easy prey he could have a little fun with then dump without warning? He doesn't know Mu's sort of the self-appointed Kenji-avenger.

"I propose we go on an extravagant adventure while plotting to take over the world!" The tyrant dictates, for some inexplicable reason, standing on my coffee table. They're not wearing shoes, but the pink striped socks and knee pads throw me off.

"Or we could just get some ice cream and watch a movie," I say, looking up at Mu with exasperation.

"My boring, unimaginative friend, you wound me!" They say, reaching into their backpack and pulling out a ruler to emphasize their movements. "This is a time we must destroy the patriarchy! A mass genocide against every individual who identifies as a male! What do you say!?"

Never thought Mu would misgender me... unless I'm part of their genocidal plan too? I think they get the hint when I squint and raise a brow in question. Rolling their eyes, Mu points the ruler at me.

"Ame, you get a pass for being fruity."

I don't even know what the hell that means, but-


Kenji sniffles then and I realize she's smiling a little. Redness overtakes her pink shades, under eyes and nose puffy with its irritation. Even with tears welling, coursing steady streams down her cheeks, my friend finds a way to appreciate our tyrant's humor.

I sigh, scooting closer. Putting my chin atop her ruffly pink hair, watching for the little horns poking out, I rub her back up and down, listen to that kind heartbeat slow.

I'm not exactly the best cuddler. I don't like touching. Makes me nervous. Not with Kenji though. She's probably the only girl I'll probably ever hold hands with, the only girl I'll ever cuddle like this. I hope it comforts her as much as it comforts me.

"Kenji! My love! My goddess!" Mu exclaims, jumping off the table, landing in a crouching position like a frog right in front of her. Placing their hands on her knees, they stare up at her with all the will in the world that those tears will dry. "You are much too powerful to be crying over such a gross concubine."

"What's a concubine?" Kenji sniffles again, adjusting the messy purple framing Mu's forehead as they shrug their shoulders.

"I have no clue."

"It's okay to cry," I say, interrupting the two of them.

It really is okay. She's not mourning the loss of this guy she was getting to know. She's mourning what she thought they could've had. And disappointment is a more powerful emotion than people give it credit for.

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